a sleepover !! (requested by Steviwasneverhere)

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It was dark out in Animatics universe, and Animatic was trying to think of what to do. "hmmmm..." they said, but then they got the perfect idea! A sleepover with Clock! Animatic quickly rushed over to the portal, going straight to Clock's dimension while being extremely excited.
Meanwhile, Clock was talking to No way. Mainly just about if you should toast your pop tarts or not. (I came up with that on the spot..) Clock heard a familar: "wooah!!" Followed by a thump, they waved goodbye to No way. Walking over to Animatic, "Hey Animatic!! Whatcha doing here?" Clock said. Animatic quickly got up of their face and walked over to Clock, responding rather fast aswell. "Do you wanna have a sleepover?" Animatic said while looking at Clock in their eyes. Admiring them. Clock thought for a moment... but quickly said "yes!" To Animatic since they had missed them. Animatic grabbed Clock's hand and led them to their dimension. Clock was getting butterflies just from holding Animatics hand, the type of butterflies that would make you want to hug someone and never let go.
They landed in Animatics dimension, Animatic still holding Clocks hand. "Come on!" Animatic said letting go of Clocks hand, giggling and laughing while running off. Clock quickly running after them, giggling aswell.


As they got to the spot where Animatic had wanted to have the sleepover at, Clock smiled. Excited to be hanging out with Animatic. They sat down, and started talking about all sorts of things. Like their shows, or how many cats are too many cats. (lol) The two lost track of time, just loving eachothers presence. Clock was slowly starting to drift off, it was past midnight. They slowly started to lean over onto Animatic shoulder as they dozed off. Animatic grinned and kissed Clocks forhead. "I love you " Animatic said, sitting there until they fell asleep right next to their lover.

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