uh oh- (requested by Adioxazine)

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Animatic and Clock were sitting behind a bush in Animatics universe, Animatic had their arm wrapped around Clock as they sat. "hm.." Animatic said, with a idea in mind. Clock looked at them, confused. "Wha-" before Clock could even get close to finish what they were saying, Animatic kissed them. Making Clock freeze and blush intensely, Clock sat there stunned, as the kiss was somewhat random. But it flustered them severely. They could feel the butterflies rising in their stomach. Animatic giggled at Clock's dumbfounded expression, and brang them closer to their face. Animatic began to start giving Clock kisses all over their face while he giggled. Clock soon starting giggling as well, mainly because of the butterflies. But also because Animatic was making them laugh with their giggling. Clock felt somewhat embarassed though, they had realized the pair were in a open area. Where Animatic's contestants roam. But they got carried away, but of them give eachother small pecks all over their faces as they giggled. But then... "woah.." They both heard a voice say. They froze and looked at eachother in fear, holding eachothers faces still. The pair slowly turned their heads too face the area the voice came from.. it was.. Popcorn? "MINIDISKY!!!" popcorn said while running off, Animatic quickly stretched their arm out and grabbed her, covering her mouth making sure she couldn't speak. "MMMMPH--A!!!!" Popcorn tried speaking, but nothing would work. Animatic uncovered her mouth while Clock sat there frozen in fear. "YOU BETTER NOT TELL ANYONE YOU SAW THIS!!! " Animatic said in their usual, loud voice. Which caught the attention of the other contestants...

uh oh.

"W0AHHH GAY!!!!" Minidisky said in the crowd of objects. Popcorn ran over to Minidisky, somewhat laughing after what just happened. Surprisingly Animatic and Clock were still holding eachothers faces? Woah. okay they are super gay..<br />
Canes cup just looked at the pair in confusion.. how the fuck is their crackhead host so gay?? (If they had saw them kissing like popcorn did, they would probably call them super omega crazy gay lmao) the crowd of contestants just whispered... it was odd. Meanwhile the pair was still frozen in fear. "shit.." Clock said, covering their face. (Which was covered in blush out of embarrassment.) "Clock?" Animatic said, turning to Clock giggling. "errrghf.. this is so embarrassing!!" Clock yelled to Animatic, while starting to giggle like before. The two completely forgot Animatics contestants were watching, and they broke out in laughter. The contestants slowly walked off, only a couple staying who were just frozen in pure shock. (canes cup, acid, eject, jej, and shitty *ahem* sorry shifty) "you guys are... extremely gay..in a good way i guess?" jej said, walking away awkwardly. Canes cup agreed, saying "yeah." While following jej. The rest just... left eventually? God it wasn't that shocking- okay maybe it was.. Clock and Animatic continued what they once were doing before, having fun! :D


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