animatic gets sick D: (Requested by Chronically Online)

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Clock was sitting down, trying to think of what to do. Their contestants were all kinda... weirded out by them, so they really had nothing to do half the time. As they sat there, they heard a familiar voice groan. Followed by a thump, which made the ground shake a little. Oh! It was Animatic! (they traveled through tha portal :3) Clock walked over to the other host. They became worried as they saw that Animatic wasn't getting up. "Animatic?? You okay?" Clock said with concern. Animatic groaned again in response.

Animatic felt like absolute shit. They had never been sick before, they attempted to get up as Clock looked at them. "help meeeee...." Animatic said in a way less energetic tone than they would usually speak in. Now Clock really knew something was wrong. "Animatic... are you sick?" Clock said. Animatic nodded with their face still on the ground. Clock sighed and helped Animatic up, they did not look good..

The hosts walked over to where Clock was sitting before. They sat down, and Clock put their hand on Animatics forehead(? does mf even have a forehead im so confused I don't understand object anatomy ) It was hot, like accidentally touching the stove when your cooking hot. "Jesus christ Animatic! How long have you been sick for??" Clock said. Animatic paused for a moment and had a blank stare while they thought.. This had been going on for a couple days.. "Uhh.. I got sick like 9 days ago but it got really bad today so I came over to you for help.."Animatic stated. Clock gave them a: 'you've got to be fucking kidding me' Look, it was kinda dumb that Animatic waited so long to ask for help.. Clock sighed and decided to just let Animatic stay in their universe until they got better. "You can stay here until you can get better." Clock said. Animatics face lit up and they slightly blushed at Clock. They love being around Clock or just being in their presence, The two just stayed there for awhile. Cuddling eachother, Animatic slowly fell asleep. The headache they had was getting really bad and it had been draining all the energy out of them. Clock had been just sitting there, rubbing their hand over Animatics head as they snored peacefully. Though Clock looked calm, they were actually internally screaming. Every moment with Animatic made them so happy, but then. Clock could feel themselves slowly drifting off, right before they fell asleep. They gave Animatic a kiss on their forehead, and told them: "goodnight I love you animatic <3" (GUYS IM SCREAMING AND CURLING MY TOES I LOVE THIS P.S HI GOOGLYYYYYYYYYY P.P.S.S. ILY GUYS!!)

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