The truth hurts

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*1 month later*

It was a rather dull Saturday, and I decided to visit Colby's house, hoping to fix the awkwardness caused by Amy's lingering resentment towards me. I tried my best to ignore her as much as I could.

"Wait... your middle name is Penelope?" Colby suddenly exclaimed, bursting into laughter.

I felt a tinge of annoyance as I responded, "Is it really that funny?"

Colby continued to chuckle, "Yes... yes, it is!" His laughter was infectious, and soon we were both laughing together.

As I was laughing, I noticed Colby gazing at me with a warm, admiring smile. His eyes were soft and filled with affection.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, my voice laced with a playful chuckle.

Colby's smile deepened as he replied, "Because you're beautiful." His words were spoken with such sincerity, a tenderness that made my heart flutter.

unable to contain the wide grin that spread across my face. In that moment, I was overwhelmed by the depth of his adoration, and I knew without a doubt how much he cared for me.

"I love you, Colby," I said, my voice barely above a whisper as I leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Suddenly, my watch beeped, alerting me about a villain. My heart raced as I realized the location was near Phoebe's house. "What is it?" Colby asked, his expression filled with concern.

"The location is right by Phoebe's house," I said, my voice trembling with worry.

Colby tried to reassure me, "I'm sure she's fine."

"I hope so," I replied, my anxiety palpable.

Without hesitation, we both put our suits on and rushed to the location.

As we approached, we noticed the villain was Shadow, and there was a green blob of gas with her. To our horror, we also spotted a hostage, but we couldn't quite make out who it was. Determined to help, I moved closer to get a better look, with Colby following closely behind.

My heart sank as I recognized the hostage. "It's Phoebe," I whispered nervously to Colby.

"What's that green thing next to Shadow?" I added, my voice trembling.

"Onyx," Colby replied, his own anxiety evident.

"That's Onyx," I said, shocked by the realization.

Panic gripped me as I said, "We need to get Phoebe out of there."

Phoebe's desperate cry pierced the air, "Let me go!"

Colby and I stepped out of our hiding spot. "Hey, leave her alone!" I shouted.

"Phantom and FlashForm, what a pleasant surprise," Shadow said, her voice dripping with malice as she let out a sinister laugh.

Before we could react, Shadow immobilized Colby, rendering him helpless. Thinking quickly, I teleported out of the way, narrowly avoiding the same fate.

I fired a barrage of force fields at Shadow, knocking her to the ground. But my victory was short-lived as Onyx struck me, causing me to fall to the ground in pain. Shadow seized the opportunity and immobilized me as well.

"VI!" Colby cried out, his voice laced with worry.

Struggling against the immobilization, I managed to say, "Phoebe, get out of here, save yourself!"

Shadow's chilling laughter echoed around us. "You see, it's quite funny. The both of you fell right into our trap."

Panic and fear gripped me as I realized the gravity of our situation. now Phoebe's life was in danger. I desperately tried to break free, but the immobilization held me in its vice-like grip.

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