12- Primrose

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A/N: It will be a little bit before I can update, again. Not long, but this week will be busy for me so please just expect slight delays <3

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"I'd like to talk about last night, if you're comfortable with that." Jisung looked up at Felix, who sat blissfully atop one of the workbenches as Jisung picked fully grown herbs from potted soil. His greenhouse stayed at a consistent, warm temperature, to be able to grow just about anything through any season. Most of his time was spent there, nurturing his plants. Today, Felix was being helpful by watching Jisung do the work.

Felix nodded, his fingers trailing along the surface of a rosemary pot. He looked at the myriad plants surrounding them, each one radiant and diverse. Bathed in soft sunlight that filtered through the glass windows of the greenhouse, he seemed to feel the tranquil energy emanating from the life within.

Jisung busied himself with removing the ready basil leaves, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he patiently let Felix formulate a response. Last night seemed like a century away, after the morning's events and the time they'd spent in the greenhouse. Jisung, however, still bore traces of it within him; the taste of questions tinged with an inkling of sadness was not so easy to forget.

"The party... Hyunjin and Jeongin," Felix began before pausing, as though he didn't quite know how to word his feelings into coherent sentences. Jisung could relate.

He turned towards Felix, his eyes offering silent encouragement to go on. Felix took a deep breath and attempted to articulate his thoughts anyway. "I saw them together... scenting each other. They were drunk as hell." He chuckled, but it didn't sound light-hearted. "I take in your scent all the time, you know? I... you're very comforting. But you don't scent me."

Jisung waited, dropping his hands on his lap and tilting his head as he waited for Felix's thoughts to finish piecing themselves together. It was hard- he immediately wanted to comfort his friend and explain himself, but this wasn't about him, and he understood that.

"I promise I understand that there are, like, limitations and boundaries in place when friends scent each other. And it's not like I... I don't have feelings for you like that, and I don't want you to get the wrong impression." Felix took in another deep breath and sighed, alternating between blinking slowly and rapidly.

"I just realized you don't scent me. And it's okay. But with that, I kinda realized that- like... no one does? And if they're getting together, it's cool. I just feel lonely. In the... intimate sense." When he finished speaking, he was looking off to the side, his fingertips still brushing against the rosemary as his feet tapped anxiously against the bench beneathe him.

There was an awkward silence threading its way around them like rogue vines. His words hung heavily in the air like humidity after rain. Jisung, who had been still amidst Felix's confession, remained silent for a few moments. His eyes softened at the admission, a mix of understanding and worry painted within their depths. The herbs in Jisung's hands appeared forgotten as he let them fall back into the pot, his full attention now focused on Felix.

"Felix," he began softly but firmly, gaining Felix's attention again, using his full name for a change. The corners of his lips twitched into a small smile as he added: "We may not be like Hyunjin and Jeongin, but you're not alone. You have me, and your other friends. And you're... you're stunning. Your scent is so sweet, I'm sure you'd make people of all types go insane- in the best way." He chuckled, his smile growing wider as he noticed Felix's grin.

"Anyone would genuinely be lucky to have you."

Felix sighed, giving Jisung a small, appreciative smile. "Thanks, Sungie. I know I'm not really alone... I just get in my head about things sometimes."

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