24- Laceleaf

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In this quiet lull between night and dawn, Jisung woke up to an unfamiliar feeling. He felt a pressure on his hips, rhythmic and insistent. His senses were foggy from sleep yet he knew something was different. He blinked open his eyes to find soft morning light filtering into the room through the blinds, casting barely perceptible dappled patterns on Minho's bare front.

He felt his body responding instinctively to the movements as Minho rolled his hips down onto him, slow and languorous. An involuntary gasp slipped past his lips as he felt Minho pressing against him, their bodies slick with a fresh layer of sweat. Confusion melted away, replaced by waves of deep pleasure that made his body throb and twitch under Minho's expert ministrations.

Minho let his head fall forward slightly, his eyes opened to meet Jisung's startled gaze, a soft smirk playing on his lips. His eyes were still drowsy from sleep but held a spark of satisfaction that made Jisung's breath hitch – the sight was undeniably enticing. A wave of warmth rushed through him as his hands traveled to Minho's thighs.

"Morning," Minho murmured huskily, voice thick with sleep and shot through with tantalizing promise. His grin deepened as he heard Jisung's breath hitch, and he felt the thrill of anticipation race through him.

Caught between surprise and burgeoning pleasure, Jisung could only let out another soft gasp and hold onto Minho tighter, anticipation building in his chest like a ticking bomb. He marveled at how effortlessly and quickly Minho could bring him to the edge of sanity, even in these quiet early morning hours. And as Minho moved above him, setting a languid pace that made Jisung's eyes flutter shut, he let himself be glad that he'd closed the door and let Minho in.

Jisung waited until Minho's pace slowed and his moans turned into frustrated whines before he reached up and placed Minho's hands flat on his chest to provide support. He lifted his own legs and planted his feet into the mattress, holding Minho's thighs flush against his skin before he slammed back into Minho.

His move surprised Minho, who let out a loud gasp, his fingers flexing against Jisung's chest. But the brief surprise melted into a moan of pleasure as Jisung repeated his movement, setting a rhythm that had them both panting and gasping.

Their combined sweat and the fresh morning air filled the room with a heady scent that only heightened their intoxicating dance. Minho's hips moved urgently against Jisung's, meeting each thrust with frenzy and moans growing louder. By now Jisung was more than awake, the sleepiness replaced by an intense focus on Minho; every move he made, every sound he emitted.

The rising sun outside cast long shadows over their bodies as they continued to lose themselves to each other. Minho's body tensed up under him all at once as Jisung hit a particularly sensitive spot with his thrusts. His eyes squeezed shut and mouth fell open in a silent cry before he was letting out a strangled sob of Jisung's name, feeling his climax rush through him like electricity.

Jisung slowed down, not quite there, himself. He came to a stop altogether when Minho had finished, but Minho began shaking his head. "Finish." He panted out, his heartbeat raging against his chest enough that Jisung could feel it against his skin.

"I can wait." The alpha tried to rub soothing circles into Minho's thighs with his thumbs, ignoring the urge to continue chasing his own release. The struggle was made substantially more difficult when Minho clenched around him and began moving on his own, small gasps leaving his mouth as his eyes grew glassy.

"Need... Need your knot." Minho whimpered out. "Finish."

"Minho..." Jisung's voice shook with the restraint he was exercising, a faint whine slipping past his lips. His fingers dug into Minho's thighs more deeply, tracing patterns onto the dewy skin.

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