20- Black Dahlia

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"Pull away." Jisung felt like he was on fire. His entire body felt much-too-warm. Every instinct he had- wanted him to act. Tug Minho in. Kiss him. Touch him. Scent him and calm him down, make him feel better. Make the mint come back. Explain that Felix being in his lap meant nothing, so Minho didn't consider for a second that Jisung was attached to someone that way.

Minho didn't listen. He never did, Jisung didn't know why he expected anything different.

The omega's hands finally landed on his waist, on both sides, tugging the rest of his body just as close as his face was.

He felt a thousand rocks sitting in his stomach, weighing him down with a desire he was getting really tired of trying to understand.

"Pull. Away." He growled as Minho's eyes grew firm, unblinking while he swallowed again, parting his lips again and tilting his head.

"Don't act like you're gonna actually do anything." Minho said, letting his words brush Jisung's lips with every movement. "We both know you're all talk. When you're actually fucking talking and not avoiding ques-"

Their lips crashed together, and for a second- a split second- Jisung worried that Minho was just being argumentative and not saying that he wanted this. He was scared that he'd read it wrong. But the omega's lips were wrapping around his, frantically. One of his hands flew into Jisung's hair and the alpha let himself just feel. The fingers in his hair, the short puffs of air through Minho's nose so that he didn't have to break away from the kiss, the whines vibrating against his tongue as it met the omega's.

He wondered if this was how a flower feels as it blooms, opening itself up little by little and feeling the entire universe all at once.

Their chests were so close that Minho's heartbeat was raging against Jisung's, echoing in his ears. Too strong, too sporadic to be just one. Jisung's head felt hazier than before, now that the spearmint was coming back, was seeping into his pores- into his parted lips every time they pulled back only to be met with Minho's again.

They stumbled backwards, their bodies intertwined in a desperate display of something Jisung didn't want to put a label on- not yet. Jisung's hand slipped from Minho's neck, trailing down the omega's spine before coming to rest at the small of his back, pulling him closer still. The metallic taste of desperation tinged their kiss, but neither of them seemed to mind.

His mind was lost in a whirlwind of sensation, the taste of Minho on his lips too intoxicating to resist any longer. His grip around Minho's waist tightened, pulling him in even closer. He could feel every breath Minho took as if it were his own.

Minho's body was warm against his, the heat seeping into Jisung's flesh, igniting the fire that had been smoldering for far too long. His hair was tousled, tickling Jisung's face as they moved, their bodies swaying to a rhythm only they could hear in the middle of the village street.

Jisung had been right. Minho hadn't pulled away. His hand was still in Jisung's hair, fingers gently tracing the curve of his skull, occasionally tugging on strands whenever the kiss turned more desperate.

Jisung felt something wild and untamed within him begin to stir. A primal instinct he'd kept caged for too long was snapping at its restraints. The kiss was too much, and not nearly enough. He needed more. He needed Minho. It didn't matter what changed- he needed the scent, the lavender hair, the trembling lip, the panicked anger, the sweet smiles. He needed all of it.

His hand found its way underneath Minho's shirt, leaving trails of heat on the cool skin of his back. The alpha's need for the omega under his touch was becoming unbearable. More- he didn't just need more, he wanted it.

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