25- Azalea

399 27 13

A/N: Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. Whiplash IS entirely plausible.

CW: Anxious smut. It starts more passionate, as usual, but it quickly becomes very anxiety-ridden. Like a panic spiral DURING the act while trying to stay as attentive and into it as possible. I don't really know how to tag or warn about that properly, or if I'm overthinking and it didn't need to be a warning at all. I just didn't want to inadvertently trigger someone.

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This felt different.

Jisung felt his arms moving on their own, grabbing Minho by the waist and spinning him into the island counter. "Will you have me again, anyway?"

"Any time, any day." He wanted to answer, but the words never made it to his spit-slicked lips. The past few days had been a miracle, had been life-changing and mind-altering. He couldn't imagine going back to a time and place where Minho wasn't comfortable and whimpering underneath his fingertips. The urge to keep the omega with him was overwhelming. To wake up with him and lay with him, to read with him and lay in each others' laps.

These days had given him insight to a future he was so convinced he didn't need, before. He was always confident that if he found a partner, he could be happy, but he was happy enough on his own that he never looked for one.

Just three nights, three mornings. His recently accepted feelings for Minho were tugging at him, a weight in his mind and a bare garden in his heart. Hope- visions of an entirely different future began to blossom in unprepared soil.

"Will you have me again, anyway?"

He wasn't sure he'd ever be able to deny Minho anything, ever again.

He leaned forward and attached their lips, hungry but slow. His hand traveled upward, lifting the omega's shirt with the brushing of padded fingers on smooth, heated skin. They ghosted over Minho's neck- his unmarked scent gland emitting more vanilla than mint. Jisung tilted his head and, instead of deepening the kiss, detached his lips just enough to travel down Minho's jaw, earning a small whimper from the older.

The tip of Jisung's nose lightly traced the contour of his jaw before moving to the pulse running down his neck. He nosed along Minho's scent gland before licking over it, taking his time. When his lips attached around the gland, Minho shuddered.

Jisung was about to back away, scared that he was taking it too far. Worried that Minho thought he'd bite, unprompted and undiscussed. But Minho wrapped his hands around Jisung's waist and tugged him in impossibly closer, throwing his head back with a small gasp to allow better access. The alpha couldn't help the small growl that left his throat.

Everything about Minho was incredibly tempting. His grip on Minho's hip and hair tightened just slightly as he began sucking at the gland, sweet notes of fragrance filling his entire being. Minho moaned at the touch, rocking his hips forward against Jisung's thigh. In turn, the younger began grinding into the movement, giving them both a small reprieve from the lack of friction they already desperately needed.

Eyes closed, he felt Minho's hands beginning to move up, lifting his shirt off while lightly touching any skin on Jisung's chest in he process. Anything he could touch. It gave Jisung a sense of pride, more hope. Minho seemed just as lost in a haze as he was. Minho's fingers were like a featherlight touch, tracing patterns along Jisung's skin, hands exploring his chest before they reached up to his shoulders, tugging off the fabric barrier between them.

The shirt fell to the floor, left uncared for, as Jisung broke away from his desire for a mere moment to do the same. He stared at Minho for a moment, trying to read the glint in the older's eye as they maintained contact while Jisung's hands slipped to the waistband of the omega's sweatpants- Jisung's sweatpants. Minho placed both hands on either side of himself, gripping the counter and watching Jisung with flushed cheeks.

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