28- Begonia

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CW: light, undetailed depictions of abuse. kind of.

"And why... why was the kiss necessary? Why not just scent each other?" Jisung asked, treading carefully so as not to make Felix feel unwanted or uncomfortable. Really, it was his fault in several different ways. That didn't make it feel any better, though.

"Pheromones are more pronounced during intimate acts... you really weren't paying attention, were you?" Seungmin asked, raising an eyebrow again as he shook his head.

"If I was that bad of a kisser, I'm pretty sure I have no chance with... with him." Felix said, jutting out his lower lip in what Jisung believed was the most adorable pout of the century. He felt his stomach twist even further.

"I promise, it's not that at all. I was just surprised." Jisung said, placing his hand on Felix's thigh and trying to display a reassuring smile. Seungmin just kept glancing at Jisung, sipping his drink while Hyunjin sat next to him, smirking with his gaze bouncing between his three friends.

Felix seemed to calm down over the next half an hour or so, as Jisung kept a hand on his thigh and tried to be as loving as possible. He needed Felix to know that he wasn't the problem- it was Jisung. Whenever the omega touched him, he thought about Minho and his mind began screaming at him. That was not the sunflower's fault.

Jisung had to wonder if it'd be the same were anyone else to touch him. Hyunjin hadn't been handsy or overly affectionate for the past several months, with his interest in Jeongin being so prevalent. Seungmin was never one for much physical affection- he always showed his love through support and protectiveness.

He secretly hoped Minho would be nowhere around Felix that day. Hopefully they wouldn't run into each other and Minho wouldn't get upset. Would he get upset? Would he care? He seemed to, that day that Felix was draped over him from behind, or the day that Felix was in his lap under the tree. But did he care the way Jisung wanted him to?

It was hard not to let his mind drift to an endless state of "what ifs". He would be distraught if Minho showed up absolutely covered in someone else's pheromones. Just thinking about it made him nauseous.

He had no idea why or how or when his feelings became this chaotic. This unreasonable.

This strong.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

Jisung reached for a watering can nearby, his fingers tracing its worn out surface. He took care in sprinkling the water amongst the blooming flowers, their colors vibrant under the sun's gentle rays. His eyes traveled to a lone rose bush, brilliant red petals concealing sharp thorns underneath. A reminder of the exquisite beauty that could hide profound pain. He thought of Felix, how his bright smile could cloak a depth of emotions.

Through the glass ceiling, he saw towering trees sway to the invisible pattern of the wind while patches of fluffy white clouds raced against vivid blue skies. The moon caught his attention through the glass panes- it was almost another full moon. Part of the luminescent silver of the craterous rock was hidden, waiting for its chance to show itself in all of its glory. It reminded him of less complicated days when he and Seungmin used to lay on warm grass, eyes fixed on constellations as they shared dreams interwoven with innocent laughter.

But now things were different.

Twice during the day, since his friends left, he had experienced odd physical reactions. While he was watering the herbs covering his workbenches, his chest felt tight and he could smell burning spearmint. He looked around with pursed lips, feeling just slightly insane as he searched for Minho, but he was nowhere to be found. The scent wasn't strong enough where his presence would be close, but it was odd, nonetheless.

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