29- Alyssum

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His mind ignored the pain still aching in his arm, leg, and head, letting his bare feet hit the dirt road of the village one after the other until it brought him to Minho's front yard. The porch light flickered erratically, casting an eerie glow on the otherwise quiet surroundings. Wrapping his beating heart in a shroud of courage, he approached slowly. The noise inside the home was deafening now- the chaos resonating with his racing pulse. But there, amidst the flickering light on cold stone steps, sat Minho.

His silhouette was hunched, knees drawn up to his chest as if trying to hold himself together. His arms wrapped around his legs in a self-imposed embrace, head bowed low as if carrying the weight of the world. For a moment, he stood watching Minho from a distance- a solitary figure sitting on the threshold of despair and hopelessness.

Forcing down the lump in his throat he moved forward again, his feet dragging heavily on the gravel strewn path leading to the porch. Minho looked up at Jisung as he moved closer.

The alpha had expected... something different. Tears, screaming, broken bones. Something- anything- to indicate the pain he'd felt or aroma he'd scented. Instead, Minho looked tired. His face ran through several different emotions as his eyes landed on Jisung. Surprise, relief, confusion, irritation, pain.

Watching Minho's jaw set and his knees being pulled tighter into his chest, his eyes harden and his brows furiously tilt inwards- it hurt. It hurt more than any ghost pain or nightmare or being struck dumb with fear. It was a live, pulsing ache that vibrated through every part of him, shattering the glass armor around his heart. He felt so helpless and out of place standing there, taking in the distressed sight of Minho, who seemed to shrink under his gaze.

Minho didn't say anything- not immediately. It took a long minute before he looked up again through the veil of bright hair scattered over his face. His eyes held a deep sadness, like a cloudy night sky devoid of stars.

"Jisung," His voice was raspy and tired, piercing Jisung's heart like a sharp icicle. "You shouldn't be here."

"But..." Jisung's voice cracked as he choked on the words he wanted to say. But I can feel your pain. But I can smell your distress. But I had to make sure you were safe. But these weird things keep happening to me, and all of them involve you.

But we're connected somehow.

Conflicting emotions whirled within him, making it even harder to keep his composure under the weight of this heavy silence between them. He stood there awkwardly, in front of Minho's porch under the dim flickering light, feeling like an intruder in a private world of chaos.

His head snapped to the door at the sound of something thundering inside the house paired with a scream, loud and frustrated. He looked back at Minho, knowing his eyes were laced with confusion and concern when Minho sighed. He hadn't flinched at the sound.

"My father came back home tonight. He'll get over it. He'll be drunk enough to pass out eventually. You can go home." There was a pained sigh from Minho as he slowly stood up on wobbly legs, his face hardening into a mask that hid the turmoil behind it. He took a deep breath and finally looked up to face Jisung completely- his eyes stormy and unreadable. It took all of two seconds for Jisung to speak up.

"Come with me. You don't have to stay here to-"

He just wanted to help.

"Why? So I can be the omega of the night for you? Felix wasn't enough, yesterday?"

Jisung reeled back as if physically slapped by Minho's words. They hung in the air, stinging with a harshness that seemed out of place coming from him. The statement was a clear jab that left him bleeding under the accusing gaze. His heart pounded furiously against his chest, banging against his ribs like a trapped bird yearning for escape. He swallowed hard, trying to find the right words.

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