32- Vinca

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Six months. It took six months for all eight of them to comfortably sit under the oak tree for the first time, and it felt like a new tradition was making it's way into their lives. Since Hyunjin and Jeongin became official, they were rarely seen not hanging off of each other. Felix and Chan were a bit different, with Felix being overtly clingy in the most adorable way possible, and Chan becoming flustered at everything Felix seemed to do publicly.

Seungmin and Changbin were the most surprising. Seungmin would be incredibly cute, endearing, when interacting with Changbin, and then immediately switch back to his normal self when speaking to his friends. It was a literal switch being flipped on and off. It made Jisung smile, knowing that his friends had found their own people and that their little spot under the tree had grown.

The eight of them sat, enjoying the picnic foods that everyone had pitched in for, laughing and conversing about everything under the sun until Minho had apparently decided that sitting with their thighs touching was not close enough for him. He crawled into Jisung's lap and reached back to pick up the alpha's arms, wrapping them around him.

Jisung rarely had to guess what Minho wanted, anymore. Minho told him, or showed him, and Jisung did his best to provide the same level of trust and communication in return.

"-and I just think... ew. Can you guys not be disgusting in front of everyone for two seconds?" Seungmin looked over and shook his head, an eyebrow raised in faux disgust.

"I'll make you a deal." Minho responded, licking his lips as a smile made it's way into his cheeks. "If you can somehow change your entire personality and be more likeable, I'll stop being publicly affectionate with my mate."

Jisung pulled him in closer, letting a small rumble emanate from his chest as he nosed along Minho's unmarked neck. "No, you won't."

Minho laughed and leaned back into the touch. "No, I won't." He confirmed.

Some things never changed.

"This- this is why you're a mountain laurel, or whatever. We all have pretty flowers Jisung assigned us. Even Chan has a pretty flower, but you're the toxic one-" Seungmin stared, his lips twitching into an upward smirk.

"Actually, I gave Minho a different flower. He hasn't been a mountain laurel for awhile. He's more of-" Jisung started, setting his chin on the omega's shoulder and looking at his best friend.

"I don't want to know." Seungmin shook his head and looked away as Jisung laced the fingers of one of his hands with Minho's, the other hand moving to rub the omega's thigh comfortingly.

The alpha laughed and hummed as Minho's scent grew sweeter, lighter, Jisung's favorite vanilla notes becoming more heavy in the air.

"Ignore him. You guys are so cute. It's amazing how things changed over the year." Hyunjin said, smiling with his head in Jeongin's lap as his hair was being played with.

Jisung let his hand on Minho's thigh tighten its grip slightly. It was meant to be sweet, comforting. But when Minho jolted and his breath hitched, Jisung felt his eyes flutter in surprise. He barely registered his own movement as he gripped it again and felt Minho fall lax in his arms, leaning fully against his chest as he took in a deep breath.

That was all it took for the air between the two of them to shift.

Minho leaned back further, turning his face into Jisung's neck and licking his scent gland, uncaring of the eyes on them. When Jisung shivered, he chuckled and tilted his face upwards, lips dangerously close to the alpha's ear.

"Catch me."

Before Jisung could ask him to repeat himself, make sure he heard Minho correctly, the omega stood up and looked down at his mate, biting his lip through a mischievous grin.

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