22- Sweet Pea

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"Have you figured it out yet?"

Jisung stared dumbly, his own breathing picking up enough to compete with the audible wisps of wind. It wasn't smart for Minho to be there. It wasn't smart for Jisung to continue holding the door open.

He knew that, but it was so hard to resist. The man in front of him- was too hard to resist.

"I..." Jisung swallowed, his hand gripping the door as he tried not to stare at Minho's neck, flushed face, or anything even remotely lower. "I think... I kind of-"

He could feel his jaw clench sharply, teeth grinding against each other as Minho took a step forward and tipped his head just slightly to the side.

"Go on," Minho prodded softly, a hint of playfulness in his breathy voice. His cool gaze was locked onto Jisung's face, chocolate-tinted eyes sparkling with anticipation, hunger, and something Jisung couldn't quite label.

He felt his entire body tense up, a shiver running down his spine. He squeezed the door harder, his knuckles turning white from the pressure.

"I..." he breathed out again, struggling to get out any more words. He wasn't sure what terrified him more - admitting the truth or facing the consequences after. He took a shaky breath, looking Minho square in the eye.

"You can't be here." Jisung finally worked out, avoiding the question. He had figured out that he liked Minho- just earlier in the day, but somehow that didn't seem like the answer Minho was looking for. Maybe it was, and he was overthinking. Right now, it was hard to think of anything other than feeling the omega's lips again- feeling veins run under his fingertips and needy shivers in response to his touch, whines in response to his tongue.

"Do you not want me here?" Minho's eyes grew slightly more serious, less wide, more questioning as he searched Jisung's face for whatever the alpha might be refusing to say.

"That's not-" Jisung swallowed at nothing but air again as he shook his head. At this rate, he was going to break the door with his grip.

"Do you want me here?" Minho changed his question, leaving his mouth parted enough to catch Jisung's eye.

He felt feral. He could barely control himself just watching Minho's lips move. The scent of spearmint was clawing at him, demanding that he take in more.

"It's not safe." Jisung responded shakily, trying to maintain the modicum of control that he did have left.

"That's not what I asked." Minho took another step forward, just barely a few inches from the door, now.

"You should care about your safety." Jisung stepped back as well, gazing over Minho's shoulder as he felt the rising of heat, flames licking up his spine as they had when he presented.

When Minho's presence- his scent- caused Jisung to present.

"Answer one of my questions. Any of them. Take your pick and stop wasting time." His face overflowed with resolution, and Jisung could somehow smell his scent getting even stronger, as if it were targeting him.

"Yeah." He started, taking a deep breath. He closed his eyes and heard- he could hear- Minho lick his lips.

Jisung needed him to leave. His resolve was waning. He wanted Minho more than he needed air.

"Yeah, what?"

Minho and his fucking questions.

"Yes, I think I figured it out." Jisung breathed, his eyes snapping open. Frustration poured through him. He wanted to touch the omega, but instead his hands were splintering themselves in the wood, his pants growing tighter, and his chest feeling heavier. "Now-"

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