31- Daffodil

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"Is that- I would... yeah, I'll come upstairs." Jisung was so tired, he wanted to pat himself on the back for not just saying that he would go anywhere Minho asked him to go, especially now. Now that he knew they were fated mates.

Fated mates. Non-fictionally speaking.

Which meant Minho felt the same. Was he predisposed to it? Was Jisung? Did it matter? With how deeply Jisung felt, desires of giving Minho the entire world and spending his life giving the omega everything he wanted- he could safely say the answer was no, it didn't matter if there was a predisposition to his feelings. It only mattered how his heart raced at the sight of the other man. It only mattered that he could pick out the small nuances that came with Minho's gazes and words and temperament. Only Minho mattered.

He followed Minho up to his bedroom, watching with curious eyes as the omega peeled back the covers and slipped in as if it were second nature. Jisung couldn't help the endeared chuckle he let escape his throat.

"Light on or off?" He asked, closing the door behind him.

"It's nearly three in the morning. Off," Minho said, his words short but soft. Jisung nodded and flipped the lights, only letting a sliver of moonlight through the curtains in his window. When he slid into bed, Minho turned around to face him.

"What did you think? About... the book?" His voice was small, shaky. The alpha slipped an arm around him and laid his other out so that Minho could rest his head on it like they'd done during the few days Minho last stayed with him. It really did seem like habit already, the way that the omega slid up and laid his head on Jisung's bicep, his face tucked in at the shoulder.

"How long did you know-"

"Don't answer questions with a question." Minho looked up at Jisung in the dark, and the alpha pulled him in closer with a sigh.

"Alright." That would take some work. "I have a lot of thoughts regarding that book, though."

"Tell me."

"You kept it. The book that fell by you when we were kids, after my drink fell on you." Jisung let out. If he was going to explain himself, he was going to start at the beginning.

"I did. I thought you pushed that drink onto me on purpose. You were laughing with the fucking dog right after-"


"-the fucking dog." Minho repeated. Jisung could feel his eyebrow raise against the skin on his arm. He huffed playfully and hummed in acknowledgement, letting Minho continue. "It doesn't matter. I thought it was on purpose. I took the book out of spite."

"You were being petty," Jisung laughed. He'd never felt more comfortable with Minho than in this moment, speaking freely and clearing tense air. "I didn't do it on purpose, by the way. Minnie was tickling me and my hand knocked into it."

"Trust me, I knew that when he clocked me in the courtyard. He made it abundantly clear."

"But you kept the book?" Jisung's statement ended up as more of a question, and his voice grew softer, more quiet.

"I... really liked to read, and didn't have many books of my own. Any, really. But I liked it, so I kept it." The omega cleared his throat and took a deep breath while Jisung waited. "Is that all you thought about, when reading it?"

"No. I just always thought it was fiction. I never once considered that something like that... like this, could be possible." Jisung leaned in to brush his lips against the crown of Minho's head, not knowing what was crossing a line, at this point. He wanted to kiss his hair, his forehead, his beautifully sharp nose, his plump upper lip. He held back. "I like it, though. It makes sense and I'd like to believe that it's real. That our lives are intertwined like this."

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