26- Calla

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He looked at the other man, his breath hitching at the sight of flushed cheeks and glassy eyes. Minho looked ravished, spent, and so utterly beautiful that it made something in Jisung's heart clench.

"Why... why'd you..." He looked... hurt? Confused? Jisung didn't know how to interpret Minho's furrowed brow and pouted, parting lips as he spoke. He knew what the older was trying to ask, and cleared his throat before responding.

"I didn't want my kn... I didn't want us to be locked together in this position when we still haven't eaten." It was partly true. He didn't know if he could control himself from showering the other with affection which he could no longer tell if the omega wanted.

"You're... worried about breakfast?" Minho asked, his face returning to a blank state that Jisung hadn't seen for a long time. He watched quietly as Jisung turned around to grab a cloth, soaking it in warm water. His return was marked with gentle hands and whispered apologies for causing such a mess.

Jisung cleaned him with gentle strokes, careful not to hurt him. In those moments he felt suffocated- worried that he'd done something wrong or that Minho was uncomfortable. The older just... stared. He didn't say anything, didn't lean on Jisung, just watched as the alpha cleaned him.

When Jisung had finished and they were both dressed, he took in a deep breath and shook his head, moving back to start the stove and re-mix the batter. Every time the alpha felt like they took one step closer to getting to know each other, it felt like there was a sudden step back. Things were awkward, now. Minho was barely talking- he made food and sat at the table, fixing Jisung a plate and staring at him with this look in his eye.

If there was an emotion that held confusion, frustration, among probably fifty other things, Jisung would name the "look" that emotion. He wanted to ask, but didn't know if Minho wanted him to. He didn't want to rock the boat more than he already had, even though he wasn't quite sure what he did wrong in the first place. One moment, he was fairly positive he'd drop everything in his life just to learn about the omega, and the next, he was overcome with a level of anxiety he was unaccustomed to... just from the omega's tone of voice.

He couldn't explain what was happening. So he sat at the table and joined Minho in his silence, waiting for the other to speak as he tried to figure out what was happening in his head. The longer everything stayed quiet, the more sour tinges began appearing in Minho's fragrance.

"Do you want to talk?" Minho finally asked, raising an eyebrow. As if prompting Jisung could make him sort his thoughts out any better than he was already doing.

"What... would you like to talk about?"

The omega huffed and closed his eyes, obviously upset by him answering a question with a question. Again. "You look like you have something on your mind. Spill." When he opened his eyes, they were wider, direct.

Jisung cleared his throat before taking a deep breath. He didn't even get the chance to respond. Minho's face was turning entirely red in hue from his flush, his lips downturned into a blend of pouting and frowning. His scent soured further as he huffed again, louder this time.

Fix it. Jisung's brain seemed to scream at him, wanting the omega happy again. What the fuck did he do? He couldn't answer, but he'd pay a hefty price to be able to.

"If I've overstayed my welcome, that's all you have to say. I just thought you would enjoy breakfast, and I appreciated..." He turned his head to the side, rolling his eyes. "Fuck you." His curse was abrupt, probably unwarranted, definitely confusing. But his trembling lower lip and embarrassed, frustrated emotions pouring through his scent were all Jisung cared about.

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