23- Bleeding Heart

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"Ji-Jisung," Minho panted out with a rapid nod as if it were one of the only words he remembered, his voice ragged and desperate. The sound of his name on Minho's lips again had Jisung groaning, his mind nearly overwhelmed with the want to take him there.

But he resisted the urge, knowing they had all night, and probably two days and nights afterwards- if Minho wanted to stay. He wanted to take it slow, to savor every moment with Minho. He wanted to feel every gasp, hear every moan, and taste every inch of him- so he did.

He placed one hand on Minho's hip, sliding his other arm beneath the older's body, and flipped him, positioning him on his elbows and knees. He parted Minho's legs, and used the thumbs of his hands on each cheek to spread him further, before he pressed his tongue to the exposed rim, causing Minho to jolt forward, slightly, his hand moving to his cock.

Jisung sat back for a moment, grabbing both of Minho's wrists in one hand and holding them at the small of his back with a sigh. "Here." He held them with a light grip, but one that would prevent him from moving too much, or touching himself, before he leaned back down to circle and lick up his rim without entering it fully- not yet.

His taste.

His slick tasted more like vanilla, smelled more of mint, the perfect balance.

And Jisung needed more.

He let go of Minho's wrists, smiling when Minho kept them there, in place. The omega's head laid flat against the sheets on the mattress, his face growing red and his eyes pinched closed as his legs shook with need.

Jisung dipped his tongue in, slowly, feeling the heat and granting himself more access to the slick lining Minho's walls. The second his tongue entered, Minho jolted forward again, so Jisung wrapped his arms around the front of Minho's legs, hands on his thighs under his abdomen.

"J-!" The sound was guttural, raw with want and need. "Please..."

"Shh..." Jisung soothed, leaning up to press a kiss to the small of his back, enjoying the smooth suppleness of Minho's skin. His scent was intoxicating as always, now mixed with the musky aroma of their arousal. "Trust me."

He dipped back down and let his tongue continue its exploration, delving deeper each time. He let go of his focus on maintaining a rhythm or pattern, instead letting himself get lost in the sensations and reactions he could draw out of Minho. Minho kept inching forward from the stimulation, his legs trembling as fervently as his breaths.

Jisung only registered the growl that left his lips when Minho moaned aloud and pulled away from the alpha- he was getting close. Jisung yanked him back towards his mouth, tightening his grip against Minho's thighs while Minho cried out and instead pushed back farther onto the alpha's tongue, chasing a racing release.

Jisung let one of his hands leave the grip on Minho's thighs, instead reaching under and between Minho's legs. He pressed his hand flat against the omega's leaking erection, applying pressure with his palm and dragging it up before wrapping his hand firmly around Minho's cock and giving a gentle squeeze that had the omega pushing back against him faster, seeking more.

"J-Jisung..." Minho whimpered, but this time it wasn't a plea for more- it was a warning.

He kept his pace, fucking in and out of the trembling hole with his tongue, his precum and slick-covered hand sliding against Minho's cock until a full body shudder accompanied his orgasm.

The room filled with moans and whimpers and heavy breaths that were punctuated by the slick sounds of Jisung's tongue still moving inside Minho. When he began to let out cries of overstimulation, Jisung sat back and flipped him over again, gently.

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