16- Iris

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In the velvet embrace of an unfamiliar, dark world, Jisung found himself wandering through a vast, ethereal garden, where moonlit petals danced on a gentle breeze, casting soft shadows across the landscape as their fragrances mingled together.

Each flower seemed to whisper secrets as he passed, their delicate forms swaying in silent invitation as he ran his fingertips along their fragile petals. Sunflowers, chrysanthemums, carnations, tulips, daisies, gladioluses, lilies and petunias- all standing tall. But amidst the beauty that surrounded him, one blossom stood out like a beacon in the darkness, as if the moon was highlighting it, guiding him.

Its petals looked silky and deceptively innocent, small pink buds making it seem inviting. Its glossy leaves shimmering with an otherworldly glow, beckoning Jisung with a siren song that tugged at the very depths of his soul. Its intoxicating fragrance hung heavy in the air, a heady blend of sweetness and danger that left him dizzy with desire.

As Jisung approached the flower, he felt a surge of apprehension coursing through his veins, a warning bell tolling in the recesses of his mind. He knew the Mountain Laurel was beautiful, captivating in its allure, but he also knew of its hidden toxicity, a deadly poison that lay concealed beneath its misleadingly innocent façade.

And yet, despite the warning signs, Jisung couldn't resist the pull of the Mountain Laurel's magnetic charm as it called to him. With trembling hands, he reached out to touch its petals, the soft brush of its velvety surface sending shivers down his spine. He felt a rush of exhilaration as he drew closer, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear, confusion, and longing.

But as Jisung's fingertips continued grazing the delicate bloom, a sudden chill swept through the air, freezing him in place as petals began ripping from the center of the flower and floating with the wind.

With a start, Jisung recoiled from what was left of the flower, his heart racing as he stumbled backwards, away from the Mountain Laurel's beguiling grasp. He looked down at his hands, fully realizing that he had just touched something poisonous. He expected to see bubbles, blisters, any sign of the spreading toxicity.

It was anything but.

He stared with his jaw agape as his fingers seemed to become wrapped in the pink buds, soft white petals sprouting from his fingertips as they melded with his skin. He slowly turned his hands over, unable to take his eyes away as the flowers began sprouting up his arms, covering him entirely.

It didn't hurt. It felt...


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As Jisung emerged from the depths of a dream far too vivid, he found himself drenched in a cold sweat, his heart threatening to leave his chest. He blinked in the dim light, trying to ground himself. The lush garden and moonlit petals dissolved away, leaving him in the familiar surroundings of his bedroom. He sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Had it all been just a dream? It had felt so real- the velvety petals, the sweet yet dangerous scent.

He looked down at his hands and arms, almost expecting to see ethereal pink blossoms sprouting from his skin. But there was nothing there.

With a shaky sigh, Jisung threw off the covers. A dream, just a dream, he told himself. But an unsettling one. He got out of bed and went to splash some cold water on his face, trying to wash away whatever this lingering... feeling was. As he caught his reflection in the mirror, for a split second he thought he saw the ghostly outline of a flower blossoming across his cheek. He blinked and it was gone.

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