13- Dahlia

347 28 29

A/N: Based on a litttteral unanimous vote, you can now expect triple-update Wednesdays instead of updates every few days.

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"Okay, okay. I have not been away from you for that long. What do you mean Minho just barged into your house?" Seungmin was shaking his head, eyes wide as he was caught up on recent events.

"I mean... he thought I was taking advantage of Felix's less-than-sober state, I guess. He was being protective." Jisung grimaced. Felix was the one who brought it up, seemingly still mad about Minho's intrusion into Jisung's home. The alpha was happy that his friends were all in one place again, he just didn't expect it to play out like this.

"Did he have any justification for those thoughts, other than the fact that you had just left the party with Felix?"

Jisung shook his head. "Not that I can think of, or that I know of. Maybe there's something he's worried about that I just don't know."

"I swear to god. This motherfuc-" Seungmin stopped and closed his eyes, catching himself before he opened them and looked at Hyunjin. "This... guy- he really knows how to piss people off when he wants to."

Hyunjin seemed to agree, nodding his head and shrugging. It wasn't just Hyunjin, though. Everyone who'd met Minho would be able to agree with that, Jisung was sure.

"Look, I really do think he was just worried about Felix. Even if he didn't have a real reason, I mean I am an alpha. Felix is an omega. There are stories of alphas taking advantage of... certain situations or states, even if it doesn't happen here. I can't get mad at him for caring about a friend." Jisung took a sip of his tea, looking down at the kitchen table.

Everything had fallen silent. Hyunjin hadn't said much, just taking all of the new information in, his face deep in contemplation. He'd been nearly unreachable since the party, and no one really had to question 'why' after hearing about him and Jeongin that night. Felix had caught everyone up, always glad to share gossip as long as no argument or confrontation came out of it. Seungmin, though- Seungmin had questions. No one really knew why he was unavailable for several days, but no one wanted to ask, in case the cause was his argument with Hyunjin.

Jisung decided that he would ask later, when they were alone and no one would feel pressured to respond a certain way.

"See, this is what I mean." Felix finally exclaimed, dramatically outstretching both hands towards Jisung and looking between Seungmin and Hyunjin. "He just keeps defending Minho. He didn't even yell or insult him when Minho was, like, screaming at him and called him 'utterly repulsive.'"

He still didn't look towards Jisung- he just kept looking back and forth between his other friends as if they would understand something he didn't.

Apparently they did.

Hyunjin started nodding, eyes a little wider as he looked at Jisung. Seungmin's lips snapped shut and his brows furrowed inwards, intense, small creases appearing between them.

"It's weird, right?" Felix continued. "And you should fucking smell them around each other-"

"Felix, that's enough." Jisung said with a chuckle, burying the embarrassment he was beginning to feel. "It's really not that deep. I just understood where he was coming from. I'm not an asshole. I'm not going to condemn someone for trying to be a good friend." He could feel a slight heat moving to his cheeks and neck. Being under a spotlight was not his preferred place to be.

"Jisung..." Hyunjin finally spoke up, reaching over and laying his hand on Jisung's thigh, looking straight into his eyes with an odd mixture of pity and confusion. "I love Minho. And I love you. And I love this new defending thing you're doing- but this is... I mean if he really did barge into your home and start making assumptions and insulting you- that's not okay. And-"

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