Chapter 5: Let the Star Festival Begin!

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"Threatened by a ruthless demon, humanity was on the brink of destruction. All seemed lost until-"

"One more time and I swear I'll fuckin snap." Bakugo's eye twitched upon hearing the mysterious voice once more, already having given up on finding the source of it, but that didn't mean it wasn't annoying the shit out of him. The music he could tolerate but this...

It was already the day of the Star Festival, and everyone was walking along the crowded streets of the Clover Kingdom's Royal Capital. This was the day where all the achievements of the magic knights were to be announced along with each ranking of the squads. People from all over the clover kingdom made it a point to attend whether poor or royalty. When Finral explained to them about the festival more in detail after Uraraka had asked, he was startled to see the frown on all of their faces when he mentioned the way people here treated each other based on their social status.

"That's pretty fucked up if you ask me." Bakugo said while walking along one of the many stalls. "Who cares about all that."

"Well when you think about it, it's not much different from where we're from." Kaminari yawned stretching his arms over his head. He was wearing a pair of brown trousers, black boots with a white blouse covered by a black jacket. "I mean think about it for example we have different rankings when it comes to pro heroes. The top 10 will always get paid more and get more of the fame than someone who's not, it doesn't matter if they are good at what they do or not."

"Well, that's a sad way to look at it." Kirishima furrowed his brows knowing that Kaminari was right and that was something they all had in store for them. After they graduate, they would all be competing against each other to try and make it up in the ranks.

"So, I guess we have something similar in all worlds." Asta quietly said before shaking his head with new determination. "But we shouldn't let something like that stop us from doing what we can! Because mark my words I'm going to become the next wizard king!"

Nervously looking around Kirishima saw passersby staring at them due to Asta's burst.

"And how do you expect to do that quirkless?" Bakugo curiously asked wanting to know what his response would be. Maybe he did have one just not as powerful, or maybe he had a plan, but than again he did mention something about his anti-magic sword....

"Quirkless?" Asta curiously blinked at him before it dawned on him, and he gave a big grin. "Oh, you mean without mana. Well, it doesn't matter!" he clenched his fist in front of him. "BECAUSE MY POWER IS NEVER GIVING UP!"

Slowly blinking down at him, Bakugo opened his mouth to retort before Kirishima stepped in front of him.

"Well, that's admirable and very manly of you Asta." Kirishima grinned fist pumping him. "I'm expecting a lot of great things from you man."

"Thanks." Asta grinned back before hearing someone shout his name. "Oh hey!" he waved back before addressing his new friends. "Sorry guys I'll be back. Some of our friends just arrived."

Nodding they continued strolling along the street since it was still too early in the day and decided to try out some of the food some vendors were selling.

"Hey this is not bad." Kaminari said next to Charmy, shoving more food in their mouth.

"Learn to chew your damn food like normal human beings!" Bakugo barked over his shoulder shoving his hands into the pockets of his brown trousers that wore tugged into his black boots. He was wearing a white open collared shirt complete with a black hooded cape that he kept fighting with. "That's why I don't do fucking capes..." he mumbled to himself.

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