Chapter 10: Locked up

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"Oh come on!!" Mina continued to shout through the bars as her voice echoed down the hall and towards the two men who were standing guard. "I haven't even gotten my one phone call yet!"

"Urgh you're kidding right?" Bakugo frustratingly rolled his eyes from the next cell over where he, Sokka, Kirishima and Zuko were. "Look the hell around Pinky?! Where do you think we are a damn spa treatment?!"

"No but I wish we were." She grumbled glancing over her shoulder were Kaminari and Uraraka sat quietly against the wall connecting the two cells.

"Where do you think we are?" Kirishima asked shifting his eyes between Sokka and Zuko.

"My guess is probably on a ship by the way this thing keeps moving." Sokka happily grinned swirling his finger in front of him as he remained sprawled on the ground until he realized something. "Hey, wait, where's Momo?" he curiously asked, sitting up and looked around as if the little winged lemur would just pop up out of nowhere like he liked to do. When he received no answer only blank looks from the three boys, he shrugged his shoulders and laid back down giggling.

"A-anyways..." Zuko shook his head. "As much as I hate to say this, but I think Sokkas right. It's clear that these guys are criminals and mean business otherwise why keep us in here."

"I was afraid you'd say that." Kirishima tiredly rolled his shoulder while looking at Bakugo who remained standing against the wall next to the bars. "That makes getting out of here a lot more difficult."

"No shit." Bakugo huffed crossing his arms over his chest. As much as he hated to admit it, if he tried using his quirk they might run the risk of sinking the whole damn thing not to mention they had no idea where they even were, so the chances of them being close to land wasn't looking good.

"Well this is great!" Mina sarcastically said waving her hands about while Kaminari silently continued to sit next to Uraraka watching the pink girl pacing their cell. "We leave you boys alone again for five minutes and this is where it gets us?!"

"Hey don't blame me! I didn't even know what was in that drink!" Kaminari protested.

"And yet you still drank it anyways." Mina placed her hands on her hips and raised a brow.

"Perhaps." Kaminari thoughtfully rubbed his chin. "But I wasn't the only one. Bakubro and Kirishima did too! So, what do you say about that?" he proudly grinned.

"That doesn't make you look any better Kaminari." Mina snickered when she heard the others in the next cell argue back,

"I swear once I get out here...." Bakugo grabbed the bars, glaring down the hall.

"You mean IF we get out of here. I haven't heard anyone come up with any decent ideas." Mina said.

"Maybe if you kept that mouth shut and used that brain of yours instead-"

"Someone's grumpier than usual." Mina cheekily smiled.

"Hey how about instead of arguing we try and work together yeah?" Kirishima awkwardly grinned. "And look I'll even admit that I was a bit out of it..."

"A bit?" Sokka snorted. "You thought Bakugo here was a giant tree."

"Says the one that's still out of it." Zuko muttered.

"Man I so am." Sokka grinned unable to keep from laughing.

"Just ignore him." Zuko snapped clearly frustrated with him.

Heavily sighing as they continued to argue in the next cell, Mina saw Uraraka continue to stay silent as she rested her chin on her knees knowing something was still bothering her friend and it didn't take a genius to figure out what. "'Chako?"

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