Chapter 8: Zuko

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"Ok, so let me get this straight." The Erasure Hero otherwise known as Eraserhead or Shota in his more personal life started to say while tiredly rubbing his face with his hands. But in this school he was better known for the teacher of his now Class 3A who always seemed to have a way of getting in the most troublesome situation he could ever think of. But they were his students after all, and whether they knew it or not he did have a soft spot for them, but that didn't mean that he would go easy on them whenever they figured out a way to get them back. They were all in detention for a reason after all. "After all this time, we still haven't figured out a way on how to get them back yet?"

"Well, if you want to say it that way..." Hatsume rolled her eyes still tinkering with something in her hand while Deku and Iida were curiously looking over her shoulder.

"We've been trying to figure out a way on how to locate them with this tracer Hatsume was going to use on your student." Power Loader gave a slight yawn before stubbornly trying to shake the exhaustion away. They've been at it nonstop since all five students went missing from this very lab. But have yet to come up with anything new.

"So, it's safe to say we still don't know where exactly they got transported over to?" Deku frowned, not liking the idea of any of his friends being lost somewhere without any way home.

"Still working on it." Hatsume heavily sight. "I think I'm just about there."

"I must apologize for what I'm about to say. But haven't you been saying that for weeks now?" Iida looked around at all the tired faces, knowing that they were all just as eager to get them back home.

"You can't rush perfection Tenya." Hatsume smiled while Iida gaped back at her with a hint of pink on his cheeks. "Oh, right I meant Iida."

"A better question is what you two are even doing here." Mr. Aizawa gave them a stern look. "It's already passed school hours.

"Who them?" Hatsume pointed her thumb behind her. "Oh they've been here everyday after school to help. But to be honest, I just think they just like my company."

Watching the girl playfully fling her pink hair over her shoulder, both boys continued to stare in shock.

"Hatsume!" Deku squealed.

"What? I can't help it if I attract the opposite sex." Exhaling loudly, she was unaware of the slow unamused expression growing on Mr. Aizawa's face as his two students frantically shook their hands.

"Mr. Aizawa, I assure you that's not it." Iida honestly tried to plead his case hoping he would believe them.

"W-we're just worried about them that's all honestly!" Deku quickly said before his face changed to that of worry. "It's just...we haven't heard from them at all."

"Oh yeah that too." Hatsume shrugged her shoulders turning back to the tracer in her hand.

"You would think by now that they would try and make some kind of contact with us, but we haven't heard anything."

Pressing his lips together Mr. Aizawa understood their concern. They still haven't heard a peep from them as to where in the world they got sent to. "How long until you think you can get this thing working?"

Turning to look back at the tracer in her hand Hatsume took a few seconds to answer. "I think if I continue to work on this throughout the rest of the night, I might be able to pinpoint where the bracelet location is.

"Again? But you've been working nonstop." Iida frowned at remembering anytime he and Deku managed to sneak their way in here that's all she seemed to be doing.

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