Chapter 14: Thunderclap And Flash

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As the wood continued to creek due to the weight of the demon spider, Zenitsu and his sparrow Chuntaro continued to whimper in fear like insects caught in his web as the spiders' sinister grin continued to grow.

"That thing's huge!" Kaminari took a frightened step back. "What now?"

"Don't know." Kirishima said letting his eyes move over to the other spiders slowly making their way towards the three. "But we better come up with something and something fast before these guys get to us."

"Got that right." The spider demon eagerly eyed them. "We've got plans for you."

"Oh man I did not sign up for this!" Kaminari whimpered as they grew closer.

"There's no use trying to fight this." He said as his eyes landed on Zenitsu. "Especially you."

"You better not start talking to me! Because I don't wanna hear that from you!" Zenitsu shouted right before he ran back into the forest like a hundred cheetahs were chasing him but in this case it was more like spiders.

"Why are you still running?! Didn't I just tell you that would be useless?!" The demon's voice continued to following Zenitsu as he ran.

"I told you not to talk to me! I don't wanna hear it, so just stop talking!" he shouted as he skidded across the ground to glare back at the demon. "Things like you give me the creeps alright!"

"So you already know how dire the situation for you is don't you?"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Um I thought Zenitsu told him they weren't going to talk?" Kaminari quietly leaned towards the red head who only shrugged.

"I guess sometimes it's better to try and get as much information out of the villains as we can." Kirishima grinned. "Way to go Zenitsu that's very manly!"

'Is he seriously trying to encourage me right now?!' Zenitsu tearfully turned back to Kirishima before the Demon Spider continued talking.

"Take a look at your hands boy."

"My hands? Why?" When all he heard was the demon's laughter Zenitus began to feel his panic rise. "What's wrong with my...?" Raising his hand he instantly felt sick to his stomach when he saw the bite from before now swollen and purple. "What's this...?"

"You're poisoned. A spider bit you, didn't it." The demon hungrily licks his lips.

"What?!" Both boys quickly ran over to him, grabbed him by the wrist to see for themselves.

"See I told you that they're poisonous!" Kaminari furiously pointed towards Zenitsu's hand.

"That poison will turn you into a spider soon too."


"In half an hour you'll be my slave crawling all over the ground." As he continued to laugh Zentisu felt like his legs were going to give out any minute as he trembled blue with fear.

'This can't be happening...' he thought as he stood frozen stiff. As the demon began telling him the last moments of his life all Zenitsu could hear was the sound of failing yet again.

"Do you understand now? Here look at this. I'll use this watch to explain." The demon held out a small pocket watch as if anything he was saying would help make Zenitsu understand how his life would be cut so short when he hadn't even begin to live it yet.

There were so many things he still needed to do. He still had to make it out of this place alive and find Nezuko. His sweet sweet Nezuko that he wished more than anything to see at least one more time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22 ⏰

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