Chapter 9: Cactus Juice

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"This better be good." Bakugo remembered himself saying right before Sokka gave him some greenish white liquid and everything started to blurt together into one big hazy fog.

Groaning Zuko started to look a little bit green but nonetheless tried to shake it off as he took another big gulp.

"This is great!" Kaminari couldn't stop the weird grin on his face as he continued to laugh. "Man, why don't we have this back home?"

"Because people like you are already dumb enough as it is." Bakugo scowled right before they busted out laughing hysterically. "What the hell is this shit anyways?"

"I already told you." Sokka gave a goofy grin under half lidded eyes as he rocked back and forth on the ground next to the small campfire Zuko had going after they came back from their run, while Appa laid there and watched with tired eyes. "Cactus Juice. It's the quenchiest!"

"The fuck?" Bakugo continued to laugh as he leaned back on his hands feeling overly relaxed. And to think that they were in such a hurry to get back home. Why was that again? He couldn't remember at the moment.

At first, he had his doubts that this would help them with their problems in any way like the water tripe boy had promised. But come to find out it wasn't too bad, but the more time went on and he continued to frown at the way Kirishima continued to grasp at air swearing up and down he saw a flying cat.

"Any luck?" Zuko chuckled when the red head fell face first on the ground.

"No man, he keeps moving away!" Kirishima pouted sitting back down without removing any of the dirt on his face.

"Jackass." Bakugo grinned.

"Hey now at least I'm not over here sulking the whole time like you." Kirishima waved a finger at him or at least he thought it was Bakugo until he squinted his eyes and realized he was talking to a tree. "Woah bro when did you get so tall?"

"Over here dipshit." Shaking his head Bakugo felt Zuko sit himself next to him on wobbly legs still laughing.

"You guys slay me." Sokka grabbed his belly laughing until he fell backwards. "Um some help over here!" Appa nudged him with his nose and Sokka managed to sit up giving the giant bison a fond pat. "I'm telling you I'm going to be rich someday and I'll have this stuff in every bar."

"Then count me in as a regular costumer." Kaminari eyes momentarily widened when he looked at the sky. "Woah dude are you guys seeing those shiny things?"

Scoffing Bakugo and Zuko looked up. "You mean the...." Thinking it over Bakugo frowned when he couldn't for the life of him remember what they were called.

"Twinkly lights?" Sokka wiggled his fingers.

"Shut up I know what they're called!" Bakugo huffed. "Yeah, those twinkly lights."

"I think they're called Stars." Zuko hummed thoughtfully. "I could be wrong I'm not the best to ask right now."

Laughing they all just nodded watching the sky until Bakugo spoke. "You know those things are nice and all...but they've got nothing on the moon."

"Moon?" Sokka curiously asked until his eyes widened. "Oh, you mean that big one!"

"Yeah." Grinning Bakugo tilted his head. "Those little things are nothing compared to the moon with its round shape...bright shining eyes...and pinchable pink cheeks."

"Huh, I didn't know the moon had pink cheeks." Sokka tried to follow his line of sight.

"Yeah, Bakubro you holding out on us?" Kaminari pouted.

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