Chapter 13: Mount Natagumo

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"Nezuko! Nezuko!" Zenitsu continued to shout as the three of them continued through the thick mountain forest.

"Hey dude I don't think shouting is a good idea!" Kaminari said to the other boy up front before turning to Kirishima next to him. "Are you sure about this guy?" Kaminari worriedly whispered to Kirishima who was staring forward following Zenitsu as he guardedly kept walking.

"Well, I'm trusting my instincts and they've never been wrong."

"That's what you're risking our lifes on?!" Kaminari whisper shouted. "I knew this was a bad idea!"

"It's not Kaminari, they've never done me wrong." Kirishima stopped walking when they saw Zenitsu a few feet ahead sitting himself next to a tree. "Please tell me he's not talking to a bird?"

'Jeez these guys are totally clueless...just like me.' Zenitsu thought as he turned to see them approaching.

"Chu Chu Chu!" The tiny sparrow on Zenitsu's head continued to eye Kirishima and Kaminari as it made itself more comfortable on his head.

"...lucky you, you don't have a care in the world. You don't understand a thing about humans, do you?" Zenitsu quietly asked as he patiently waited for the other two to join them until his sparrow angrily bit his hand. "Ow ow ow ow! You're not cute at all!" painfully flailing his hand in front of his face where he could see the tiny bite marks, Zenitsu angrily glared at the bird. "I mean, look how cute Nezuko is and she's a demon! But you-you're a a vicious sparrow!"

"Everything alright here?" Kirishima quickly jogged up to him stopping only to see Zenitsu and the bird turn to them.

"Fine. Chuntaro is just being unhelpful!"

"You named your bird Chuntaro?" Kaminari curiously asked.

"Yeah?" Zenitsu innocently glanced up before getting to his feet. "But we should really be looking for Nezuko, who knows what dangers Tanjiro and Inosuke brought her to."

"Woah you're really worried about this Nezuko person huh?"

"Of course I am!" Zenitsu shouted like it was a dumb question before calming himself once again. "I'm worried about all of them actually."

"Don't worry man we've been there." Kirishima placed a friendly hand on his shoulder. "We'll find them and then we can finally get out of this place." He gave a confident smile before they heard some rustling noise from behind.

"What's t-that...?" Kaminaris trembling finger pointed at something past Kirishima's shoulder and by instinct Kirishima instantly activated his quirk in defense. "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" Kaminari whimpered when they saw a big bald-headed spider staring up at them.

"AND WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR BODY?!" Zenitsu wasn't sure what creeped him out more as he began running, whether it was all those weird looking spiders making their way towards them or the person he'd been walking with for hours suddenly turning jagged and rock-like. "JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

"Zenitsu wait!" Kirishima raised his hand to stop him, but the other boy was already long gone.

"What do we do?! What do we do?!" Kaminari snapped his head in all directions. "I don't wanna be Spider chow!"

Panting Zenitsu placed his hand against a tree to try and catch his breath until he felt something. "Ow! Something just pricked me." He frustratingly glared at his hand where he saw a small red dot already forming before placing his hand on his nose. "Great something really stinks around here too! I think I'm gonna cry...and the sound of these spiders running around is so creepy! I'm sure these spiders are just doing their best to survive the same as me but still..." he stared at the small spiders running around between his legs before he heard more rustling noises in the bush behind him making cold shivers run down his spine. "Be quiet and stop moving around!" he shouted, thinking it was either some small animal or someone he knew trying to sneak up on him. He swallowed the rest of his words when he saw another one of the large bald-headed spiders smiling up at him. "WHAT AM I EVEN LOOKING AT?!" Screaming, he frantically began to run through the trees again. "Why did that spider have a human face on it?! What is happening right now?! What is happening?! Please be a dream! Please be a dream! Please be a dream!" When he saw more spiders with similar features begin to sprout out in front of him, he instantly made a bee line back to the other two. "GUYS HELP ME!"

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