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Lloyd was cleaning a few bits and bobs around the monastery with Cole, Zane, Jay, Nya, PIXAL and Kai before going outside and turning on the training course. He smiled at the thought of training on this course with the others when he was younger.

He missed the good old days where they would laugh with each other when one or the other fell flat on their face, making mini competitions, pranking each other and laughing and talking and slacking and being shouted at by Master Wu...

The sun was shining warmly, cherry blossom leaves were flying over the walls and a gentle breeze was present. Lloyd sighed happily and was interrupted by Cole, Jay and Kai running out. Nya walked out and stood next to Lloyd.

"Ha! I win!" Jay shouted.

"Heck no, I was clearly here first!" Kai yelled.

"Oh, come on, it was obviously me," Cole said.

Lloyd looked at Nya who was smiling at the boys. "I wonder when they'll ever grow up..." she chuckled.

"Probably never. Aren't you going with them?"

Nya turned to Lloyd, "What do you mean?" She sighed. "We're already gone, I'm sorry..."


"Lloyd, we're gone. Please, you have to move on. Not everyone is immortal..."

"Nya, what are you saying?"

Zane walked out followed by PIXAL who asked, "Who are you talking to Lloyd?" 

"I was talking to-" He pointed to the right of him where Nya was stood moments ago. He turned his gaze to the empty training course.

"Lloyd, there's nobody there..." Zane stated as he put his right hand on Lloyd's left shoulder. "They're gone... We have to move on."

Lloyd shed a tear as he turned to hug Zane, "Curse this Oni blood..."

Zane and PIXAL hugged him back, "Curse this nindroid form..."

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