The Fangblade - Villain Lloyd AU

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We were waiting anxiously on the Destiny's Bounty, awaiting Kai and Lloyd's return. We watched as the volcano erupted, and lava spilled out onto the hardened magma on the surface in the mountain.

"Kai!" I yelled out, gripping the handrails tightly.

"Son..." Lord Garmadon whispered, pushing one of the ninja out of the way. He, too, held onto the handrail with his bottom two hands.

They didn't come out in time. It was too late.

Garmadon slowly shook his head in disbelief as he backed away from the ledge. I continued staring at the lava as tears brimmed in my eyes. Jay came over and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, rubbing it gently.

We were all startled by a sudden explosion from the volcano. An orb was floating out of it and in our direction. I wiped my tears.

I couldn't believe it.

He's alive!

"It's Kai!" Zane shouted as he pointed at my brother as he neared us in his new shiny, fiery true-potential form.

He swiftly landed on the ship and the light faded away. He slipped his hood off, revealing a frown on his face. He avoided eye contact. He gripped the fangblade in his hand tighter as he furrowed his eyebrows. He threw the blade to Master Wu with a grunt. "Here's your stupid blade..." he muttered. He stormed inside, brushing shoulders with all of us in the process.

"Lloyd," Garmadon whispered. Half in realisation and half in sorrow. Lloyd was gone. I frowned and ran inside after Kai. I slid the door open to the room where Kai was. He was in his bed, facing the wall, wrapped up in a blanket.

"Kai?" I said as I shut the door behind me. I sat on the side of his bed.

"I failed, Nya," he said, his voice quivering slightly.

"Kai... You didn't fail. You got the fangblade!" I tried encouraging him with a little nudge.

"You don't get it, do you?"

I cocked my head to one side, "What do you mean?"

He sat up and glared at me with his eyes which were red and puffy from crying. "I didn't save Lloyd, Nya!!" he snapped.

"Not everyone can be saved, Kai..."

He got up from the bed and continued shouting at me. "I had a choice, Nya!" He sniffed, "I-I thought I could snatch the fangblade and get Lloyd! But... B-But I was too late..." He wiped his tears with his sleeves.

I attempted to be optimistic about the situation. Find some bright sides. My eyes brightened up with a realisation, "Hey! You could be the green ninja!"

"I'M NOT THE GREEN NINJA!" he screamed.

I flinched. He never yelled out like that. Not to me, at least.

He broke down into sobs. "This whole true potential thing... It was never to become the green ninja. It was to protect him. Lloyd was the green ninja, and I failed to save his life over some dumbass blade. Now there is no-one to save the world from 'the dark lord' whoever that is."

---- a few years later ----

Third Person POV

The ninja have been on many adventures through the past few years. The Great Devourer was never summoned, and, with difficulty, they managed to stop the overlord together. Twice. Zane sacrificed himself and the ninja were invited to the tournament of elements where they found him again and we're forced to sacrifice Garmadon.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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