The Administration - Part 3

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PIXAL created a portal to where Jay thought would be the Administration. Instead, Lloyd, Pix and Jay found themselves in an isolated, confined room within the monastery base. The floor and the walls were bare, and there was only a single iron barred window for ventilation. The only way to escape was using the device that PIXAL used to create portals to different parts of the merged realms. 

When they went through the portal, Lloyd and Jay lost balance and fell over. Jay got up and looked around while Pix closed the portal behind her. "What the- PIXAL, this isn't the Administration!"

"I know." Lloyd got himself up on his feet, his hands still cuffed behind his back. 

"You were supposed to take us to the Administration!" Jay shouted.

"You were given specific instructions not to kill anyone! That gun was only supposed to be used for self defence!"

"I did what I had to do to catch our target. Now, take us back to the Administration," he pulled his gun at PIXAL, "or I'll shoot you too." Lloyd and swung his arms under his legs so that his hands were in front of him. "I won't do that," PIXAL stated.

Just as Jay pulled the trigger, Lloyd push him aside, "NO!" causing the bullet to barely miss Pix. Jay dropped his gun in the process. Lloyd broke his vengestone handcuffs with his Oni power and grabbed Jay's shirt collar before pinning Jay against the wall, making him grunt in pain from the impact of the collision. Purple flames grew out of Lloyd's hands as he clutched onto Jay's shirt tighter.

"What the fuck?!" Jay yelled out. "I- I order you to let go!!"

"Well, I'm denying your order!!" Lloyd shouted back, pinning him harder to the wall, making sure Jay's feet didn't touch the ground.

"What do you want with me?! I don't even know you, dude! I'm just doing my job!"

Lloyd pulled Jay back and as he slammed Jay against the wall again, he screamed, "WAS YOUR JOB TO KILL YOUR FUCKING YANG?!"

Jay was completely shaken by how aggressively was his target acted. Silence spread across the room. Lloyd's eyes were narrowed at Jay as they flooded with tears. They began to roll down his cheek as Lloyd broke down into sobs. Yang? Jay thought. What is he talking about?  "I... I don't understand," Jay said, his voice as small and innocent as ever.

"What do you not understand, Jay?! You killed me and Kai's sister, our best friend and your own love of your fucking life!!" Lloyd's flames died out. He sighed and let go of Jay. Lloyd dropped his head and Jay just stared at Lloyd, still shaken by what was screamed in his face. "What's the fucking point... You don't even have any memory of what happened before the merge. It's useless," Lloyd muttered as he turned away from Jay.

Jay took something out of his inside blazer pocket. A golden Yin half. He inspected it and noticed that his and Nya's name were engraved on it. "I found this on me in the Administration... I was told to throw it away because it was worthless. I felt some weird attachment to this object... Now I know why." Every second he spent staring at his Yin half, his head began to ache more and more. His legs became numb and he collapsed onto his knees, clutching the Yin half with all his strength. 

"It all makes sense now," Jay mumbled.

Lloyd and PIXAL exchanged glances before looking at Jay again with hope in their eyes.

Tears tapped lightly against the metal in Jay's hand. He sniffed and let out a heartfelt chuckle. "When I first met Kai... The first thing I asked was if his sister was hot," he admitted with a chuckle. "The first thing I said to her was if she liked blue... It was always her favourite colour," Jay choked out chuckles between sobs. "When we first met Lloyd, we thought he was Lord Garmadon... He was just a kid attempting to steal candy from Jamanakai village. The Great Devourer happened, The Overlord happened..." he scoffed "Like three times. Tournament of elements, Morro, Nadhakan - a memory only me and Nya share... Then the Hands of Time... Harumi, Garmadon, The Oni, Aspheera, The Ice Emperor and... Prime Empire and Shintaro... Then... Nya merged with the sea and she came back a year later, just for me to disappear for years."

Jay broke down into more sobs as he held the Yin half to his chest. He let the tears fall onto his knees. "And..." he sniffed, "we shared all of those memories and adventures... Just for me to kill her," he said, his voice breaking slightly.

"Jay, she could still be alive. You didn't shoot her in a fatal area that could've instantly killed her," PIXAL said. Jay looked up at his two friends with his red and puffy eyes.

He wiped his tears and got to his feet. "Take me to her."

PIXAL smiled and opened the portal to the monastery. The three ran straight through and found themselves in the courtyard. They ran inside and saw Cole standing nervously outside Nya's room.

"Where's Nya?!" Lloyd asked hurriedly. 

"In here, I don't know if she's okay. Zane stitched her wound up. Kai's in there too. I don't know if we're allowed in there yet. Wait how did you-"

Jay rushed into the room which surprised Cole. Kai and Zane's heads whipped towards the door. Kai instantly summoned flames and stood up about to fight Jay, assuming he's still not himself. Jay ignored him and brushed past him and rushed over to Nya, holding her hand. "Nya? Nya, I'm sorry... I- I remember now. I remember everything! Please don't leave me... I- I love you..." A tear rolled down his cheek as he cupped his hands around Nya's and pressing them against his forehead. Nya was completely unresponsive, and her heartbeat on the heart monitor was slowing down.

"Her condition is worsening!" Zane exclaimed.

"Nya! Nya please stay with me..." Jay urged.

Nya cracked her eyes open slowly. She looked up at the love of her life and cupped her hand around her cheek, wiping away his tears with her thumb. "I knew you'd remember..."

"Not this way! I didn't want it to be this way!" Jay cried, gently squeezing Nya's hand.

"Not everything goes the way we plan," she said with a smile.

"I'm not leaving you. I lost you like three times already! I'm not losing you again!"


"Jay... It doesn't matter. At least you remember everything we shared together."

"But those memories won't matter if I can't share them with you..." Jay said while shedding a tear. 

"It's okay... I will always be with you. Remember? I'm a tall glass of water..." She chuckled with the last of her breath as her heartbeat flatlined. Her hand which Jay held lost its pulse. Her eyes lost all colour. Her heart lost its life.

He lost the love of his life again, but this time...



Nya chuckled. "What? What's so funny?" Jay questioned.

"I'm not dying, Jay. See? My heartrate is normal again," she stated, pointing at the heart monitor next to Jay.

Jay laughed and hugged Nya, "I'm so sorry..."

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"I'm so glad you're okay!" he pulled away. "I love you, Nya..."

Nya smiled, "I know you do... Now, Zane, when will I be well enough to leave this bed?"

Woop woop, the end of 'The Administration'!!
Which ending did you prefer?

Anyway, have a good day/night!


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