The Smith Siblings - A Bloody Experience

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I am finally back with an idea guys!
This was inspired by some gacha video that I found months ago and can't find but credits go to whoever that was!
Anyway enjoy guys

It's been about five years since Ray and Maya were taken away from Nya and Kai. Kai was now 15 and Nya was 13 years old. Since they are now 'Old enough to take care of themselves', their babysitter only comes by to check on them.

...not to babysit.

The siblings came home one day from school and were having some noodles for dinner. Nya was feeling a bit low but things were about to get worse.

She tried enjoying her dinner until she felt a sudden sharp pain in her stomach. She glanced down, "If there's no knife," she thought, "then why does my stomach hurt SO MUCH??"

She tried finishing off her noodles but the pain was unbearable. "I need to go to the bathroom," she rushed off to the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

Kai was confused as to why his sister ran off like that. He shrugged it off, finished up his noodles and washed his dishes. Nya was gone awhile and her food was getting cold. He went to see what was wrong.

Kai knocked on the bathroom door.

"Go away..." he heard his little sister mutter.

"Are you okay, Nya? Do you need me to come in?"

"I said, go away..." Kai heard quiet sobs come from the bathroom. He frowned at the sound of Nya being upset.

"Okay, I'm coming in..." he slowly opened the door with his eyes shut. Once he was inside he slowly cracked his eyes open to see Nya sitting on the bathroom floor with her knees tucked in, crying.

"Hey... What's wrong?" he asked, sitting down next to Nya.

"I told you to go away..." Nya mumbled.

Kai sighed. "Nya, look at me."

Nya gazed at Kai, her face wet with tears.

"Did someone do something to you at school?"

Nya shook her head.

"Look, I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong."

Nya wiped her tears and took a deep breath. "I... I think I-I'm d-dying..." Nya burst into tears and buried her face into her knees.

Kai raised his eyebrow, "What makes you think that?" he asked.

Nya calmed down a little before letting out a whisper, "I-I'm b-bleeding..."

Kai's eyes widened. "Bleeding?" He looked around frantically, looking for a sign of blood on the floor and on Nya, but found nothing. "Where?"

Nya hesitantly pointed between her legs and continued crying.

Kai smiled and giggled a little.

Nya looked up and wiped her tears, "Why are you laughing? I might be dead by the end of the day!"

At this point, Kai was laughing hysterically. "Sis, you're not dying!"

"I... I'm not?"

Kai shook his head. "It's just your first time having this thing called a period. It's this thing women get every month. Sometimes you bleed a lot, sometimes not so much. It only lasts a few days."

Nya smiled, "So I'm officially a woman?"

"You can definitely say so. Now, I remember mum having this special bag for a time like this..." he said, standing up. "Uhh..." He searched around the bathroom until he found the cosmetic bag full of pads and tampons. "Found it!" He sat back down next to Nya. "I'm not sure what these are so you're gonna use these flat square ones."

Kai told Nya how a pad works and stood up again, "Do you need me to bring you any fresh clothes?" Nya nodded. Kai went to her room and came back with a clean pair of underwear and some joggers. "If the pads ever run out, I'll make sure to buy a new set of these, okay?"

Nya smiled, nodded and hugged her big brother, "Thank you, Kai! I love you."

Kai smiled and hugged her back, "I love you too, sis..."

Too wholesome :)
Hope you guys liked it!
Also I might be off of wattpad for a while bc of exams so I'll probably be back in a month or something 😅
BUT still feel free to send requests if you have any


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