The Incandescent Adam's Ale

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My gown was a pearly ethereal periwinkle,

And my glow a cluster of constellations

While my steps painted pathways on the Earth's canvas,

I sought out the souls that craved to be healed

Sometimes a rock's crevice,

Other times, a moaning animal

Or a human's wail,

Beckoning my presence to his arid, lifeless land

Carried away by the need to save,

I spent my time mending broken souls

Amidst my travels, 

I found solace in the presence of a constant companion

Far up in the velvety purple sky,

Adorned with countless stars,

Bright shined the moon,

With an aura of heavenly glow

I was bewitched, body and soul

We told scores of silent stories,

Our stares conveying our yearning for each other

Every night, I would meet him in the forest,

Surrounded by flourishing foliage

The birds singing a symphony,

About our stolen stares

As nights passed and our encounters deepened,

The glances exchanged in the quite depths of the forest

Were infused with familiarity

They seemed to be the conduit,

Of our shared connection

I used to bid my time,

Under the glare of the scorching sol

My heartbeat quickening,

At the slightest hint of pink in the azure hues

It was that night,

The night of the full moon

I was lost in his enchanting countenance

Unbeknownst to me, was a clandestine amour,

The nightingale, singing a harmonious melody,

In dulcet tones, filled with longing for my mōna

The romance caught my attention

When their passions were at their peak

I seethed, my wrath desperate to escape

All reasons left my senses,

As I transformed into incandescent flames

In my rage, I destroyed the very souls I swore to protect,

Leaving behind misery and a pale-painted sorrow

I consumed their happiness,

To tame the unruly flames

When the fires froze,

The devastation left in the wake of my selfish rampage

Tugged at my heartstrings

How can I answer the millions of why's?

That it was an ardent lover's fiery fury?

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