The Falsity of Forever

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We made promises aplenty,

Waltzing through the highs of our blossoming friendship.

We used to think our bond could weather any storm,

Can you blame me for hoping it was true?

Endless texts, shared lunches,

Moments of joy over simple sweets.

Remember the time we watched Encanto?

Even poor connectivity couldn't sever our connection.

Every chapter of us unfolded,

And we were there, side by side.

You made some new friends,

New promises and new stories.

And I was happy seeing you thrive.

But when I did the same?

All your weapons were unsheathed,

You made me feel guilty

For having friends beyond you.

Yet, I forgave you.

I saw the side of you that was struggling and let it slip,

With empathy, I put your needs above mine,

Told myself that I would do the same if the tide turned.

Not really, if I'm being honest.

I would never come between your happiness and you,

I would never drag you down if you ever were to float in euphoria.

Now, you're too busy for me,

Now, texting is a tedious task,

You think you can keep our friendship alive

Just by letting me live for the hope of it all.

You send reels reminiscing our bond,

Now I'm standing here tracing its fading trail.

Eight years and the engine has begun to rust.

You're not my safe space anymore,

No longer the one I seek in the dark

For a spark of light.

Did you know when you made that promise?

Did your smile ever reach your eyes when you saw me?

Did you crave forever or just a temporary solace?

How could you make promises you can't keep,

And leave me amidst the ruins?

It's time to let go,

Maintaining the pretense of my blindness has become hard.

How can I divert my sight,

When the truth is glaring at me?

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