7. Investigation

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(The below incidents happens before Kabir get a nightmare

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(The below incidents happens before Kabir get a nightmare. )


Three days.

It's been three days.

Three days since I joined this firm. Three days since I met them again. Three days since Ish bhai hugged me and apologized. Three days when I cried to sleep that night after all the memories crashed down upon me that day.

The memories, the moments and everything that made me vulnerable flashed infront of my eyes like a camera roll.

I tried so hard to forget and almost moved on from it but I think I couldn't run far away from it. It's as if it was meant to happen it would happen. And it happened.

In these three days I have talked to them a few times but it was all professional and whenever I thought it would go over that I would walk away from there.

Even during the case study or meetings I have felt their gazes on me which was not in a professional way.

I know they just wanted to apologize and explain themselves for that incident but I know they are not sorry for what they did but want to apologize because they hide it from me.

I don't think I might ever forgive them for what they did.

At home, my parents and sister would ask me how my day was I would give them short replies as I do not want to burden them with my thoughts and emotions.

Each day all those memories replay in my mind reminding what they did to me and each second the wounds left by them feels fresh, as if it just happened yesterday.

For months I cried to sleep, hoping to sleep peacefully without any nightmare.

My sister, my best friend would get worried looking at me screaming in my sleep and would wake me up as she was too scared to lose me. Then we both used to cry for hours.

Even now she can know what happened to me so suddenly and asks me but I would shrug it off saying 'it's just work and nothing else'

Though she always see through my lies but she knows I will come around as I cannot keep anything away from her for long.

I want to confront them, to demand answers and explanations, but a part of me is unable to do so because I am afraid of the disclosure. My weak heart cannot take another betrayal. If anything breaks me now I might not be able to get back together the broken me.

"But Mr. Rajput without evidence how are we supposed to prove your innocence?" Mr. Malhotra's voice broke the train of my thoughts and I focused on what's happening.

"Mr. Malhotra, I don't know how that happened because me to vaha tha bhi nahi jab ye sab hua."
Mr. Rajput said.

(I was not even there when this happened)

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