3. Kiss

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Oh God! This traffic is so terrible. Why it had to be like this. I knew this would happen that's why I left early from home. I didn't want to get late on my first day at work since 'First impression is the last impression.'

I hope I don't get late today and get myself embarrassed infront of anyone on the first day itself. Though I'm not late but it's been 15 minutes I have been stuck in traffic. Since this was going to take some time I played music and I closed my eyes to relax myself. The faded voice of honk and people's yelling could be heard along with the music.

After what felt like 5-10 minutes another song played and immediately my mind clicked to the incident which took place last night. The song was 'Kiss Me More' by 'Doja Cat' and the incident which I don't even want to recall ever came to my mind. And I just wish that thing doesn't happen to me or anyone so they do not have to be embarrassed.


We were in the club playing the game which is known to the universe- 'Truth or Dare'. Niya and Akshu had already played their one chance. I also played one chance 'truth' to which they were like I'm not brave enough to play a small dare. No I'm not. I don't want to play any dare given by them.

Miksha spins the bottle which, I was hoping doesn't stop on me but can I be fortunate, NO. The bottle stopped on me and I groaned. I looked up only to see my three monkeys smirking at me wiggling their eyebrows.

"So Ms. Kashyap are you ready to play the dare because you can't choose truth now." I mentally face palmed myself. I regret coming over here.

"Do I have any other choice?" they laughed. THEY FREAKING LAUGHED. even my sister was enjoying this. 'Ghar jaake batati hu me tujhe.' I glared at them.

"Oh man, what a funny joke!!" Seriously?

"Dii, please do it na yaar," Akshu said and i groaned mentally.

"Okay lets do it but this is last and we are leaving after that." I finished and looked at them looking at me. "Okay?" *nod*

"so what is it?" I looked at them and they were grinning like creep. I raised my eyebrow in a questioning way. They definitely have something going in their mind.

"So what you have to do is," i looked at her attentively "You have to do is , you have to go to that man *she pointed to someone behind me in a corner and I looked that way and nodded* and you have to kiss him. That's it." Niya said.

"Okay so I have to kis- WAIT WHAT? Are you serious? I'm not kissing him or anyone here." how could they say this so easily.

"OH please you do not have any option here plus we are not letting you drink." said Akshu.

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