sneak peek

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"Lily, baby please open your eyes. See your Abir is here, please baby," He tried to wake her up from her unconsciousness but everything was useless. She was not waking up.

"Fucker I'll kill you if something happened to her." He laughed at his words. This fucker has the audacity to laugh even if he is tied and almost dead. He thought.

"You look so good begging like this. But you'll look more good begging like with your head under my foot for her life." This pissed of him more and he laid her down slowly and went towards that fucker and punched him in his face to which he spitted blood out of his mouth.

"Shut up *punch* shut up you fucker *punch* because of you she is like this. You did the biggest mistake of your life by bringing her in between us. And now you will regret this. *punch*" he was about to punch him again but then he heard her voice.

"Ab..Abir" she said in her shaking voice which came out as a whisper. He ran to her and took her in his hands and tried to wake her up. she slowly opened here eyes and closed again. Her breathing was also getting slow.

He was scared to see her like this. he looked at the man tied and unconscious and then at her. Then he carried her in bridal style and took her out to his car. He laid her in back seat and took his seat and drove off to hospital.

All the moments they spend together flashed infront of his eyes. Her laughter, her voice , her eyes, her smile everything about her was his favorite. He was so whipped for her from the moment he realized his love for her.

What will happen to them will he be able to save her?


Here's a sneak from further chapters which will take time to get updated.

So please bear with it for a few days till next chapter.

Thank you🤍🤍

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