10. Messages

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Ever since I had the conversation with Kabir, the messages from that unknown person had increased. That person would send a message every hour, without fail, like clockwork.

I was so disturbed by all this that I couldn't even concentrate on anything anymore.

This affected my work too. Even during the second court hearing, I zoned out a few times. Because of that, I had to endure some scolding, and when it was all over, I took leave for a few days.

I wouldn't have been this disturbed if that person hadn't messaged me about sticking to my naked body.

The thought of being stalked, even in my own damn house, was scaring me. I hadn't disclosed this information to anyone yet, not even my closest friends or family. The fear of escalating the situation or putting my loved ones at risk kept me silent.

It was evening snack time, and I was sitting in the balcony of my room, which faced the large veranda of my house, with a cup of adrak vali chai and some snacks. The cool breeze hit my face, bringing with it the soothing scent of blooming jasmine from the garden below. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink as the sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden glow over everything.

The peace that I get after sitting here even for 2 minutes is all I want now. The veranda is place full of memories—afternoon tea with family, late night chit chats under the stars and moments of quiet reflection like this one.

I took a sip of chai, savoring the warmth of ginger, and felt a sense of calm wash over me, momentarily forgetting the turmoil of the past few days.

My peaceful time was cut short with a ting sound, which came from my phone indicating another message popped up.

As I opened the chat, my heartbeats accelerated.

Enjoying the peaceful time, my dear little toy. Enjoy. Because once you are in my grasp I'll make you forget what's night and day. The only thing you'll remember is me. Just me.

Tears pooled at the corners of my eyes. These types of messages had shaken me to the core. I felt so scared, even to use my bathroom. The violation of my privacy was suffocating, and the sense of helplessness was overwhelming.

I leaned back in my seat, resting my head against the wall, closed my eyes. Tears rolled down my cheek, tears of my weakness, my vulnerability and my pain.

A few moments passed and another ting came, indicating pop up of another message.

My hands trembled as I held the device in my grasp. Opening the chat, I saw the message.

Hii, Karthi.
How are you?

I frowned at the message that had just been sent to me because I could tell it was not from the person who frequently sends messages.

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