4. First day at work-I

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No matter how many times we try to forget our past, it still comes to you in some way to haunt you. Those memories which I want to lock in the deepest darkest corner of my heart still comes around and becomes a nightmare for me.

I have been running from my past, from those memories and people. Even if they were my saviors, my predators or well wishers. Even a glimpse of them would haunt me down with all those memories, that's why I ran and ran and ran.

But what did happen, my past is now in my present and will be in future too, maybe. The past I was trying to run away from is standing infront of me.

Ishaan Kulkarni.

"Ish bhai, come here. How dare you do this prank on me." The little teenage girl shouted.

"You cannot catch me, birdie" The said boy shouted while running away leaving the little girl irritated and angry after the stunt he pulled out on her to annoy her.

"I'll tell mom what you did bhai and then she will punish you." the little girl said- shouted.

"Ms. Karthi no one can do anything to me and about your mom she won't even say a thing to me." the boy said.

"Mr. Ishaan don't think so high of yourself." she said and ran away.

Well what happened is that Ishaan being a boy who always teases Karthi for no reason did the same thing that day. Karthi was peacefully eating her food and as always Ishaan had to annoy her added mustard sauce in her which she despise a lot not forgetting the food was her favorite-French fries with cheese spreaded on it. This made her angry because one can do anything with her but do not mess with her when she is having her favorite food. And then chased each other like tom and jerry

'Ish bhai'

That past incident and that person which were so close to me and become a memory in past few years are going to be a part of my now new routine. I can't believe what games fate is playing with me.

"Karthi, back to earth," I came out of my trance when Nayana di waved her hand infront of my face and I felt five pair of eyes looking at me. "What happened? Where are you lost?

"Sorry, I zoned out." my voice came out so weak as if I'm going to faint now.

"You okay?" I nodded.

"Okay, let's go. We should not waste time." said receptionist and earned fives nods in return.

After that Ritesh, the receptionist, knocked on the door and came a faint 'come in' from inside the cabin. The voice which was once so familiar feels so strange after years. Ritesh turned the door knob opening it and entered in followed by me and my four colleagues.

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