5. First day at work-II

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My heart is beating like crazy that it might burst out anytime. This is happening the moment I stepped in here. Why? Because in the span of thirty minutes unexpected thing happened which left shocked.

I never in my wildest dreams thought that I will meet them ever again. They became a memory for me the moment I lost contact with them and all the memories were buried in the deepest corner of my heart. But now all the memories are unlocked and flashing infront of my eyes.

All the moments and memories with them crash down making me remember how my past was with them in my life. My heart felt heavy and my vision blurred, tears threatened to fall down. But I am not going to breakdown, at least not here.

The train of thoughts is taking a toll on me and the tears ready to fall. But before that could happen I was taken out from my overthinking with a little shake on my shoulder. I mentally thanked that person who did that.

"Karthi, back to earth." i looked at the person who was none other than Ritik "hey, you are crying? Are you okay?"

His voice was loud which made everyone look at us.

"What? No I'm totally fine. And I'm not crying, it's just my eyes get watery sometimes. Don't worry" I said looking at everyone whose eyes were on me.

Then I looked at him who was now facing us and looking at me with emotions I could not decipher. We made an eye contact but I looked away.

"Let me inform you, we are directly meeting him because an important case is handed to us and you are hired for this case specially. But that does not mean it is temporarily for this specific case. You can resign whenever you want. I hope I am clear and there will not be any misunderstanding."

"Yes sir" we all replied to what he said.

I am glad I did some research on the ongoing affairs and cases or else I would've been too dumb to understand anything.

From what I have got to know, this case is quite serious, well every case is but this one is much more serious because in this case there is requirement of more than five lawyers.

One of the wealthiest businessman of India Akshay Rajput, who is well known in other countries too was accused of murder that too of his step brother, Dhananjay Rajput, adopted son of Rajputs. It is said that Malti Rajput, mother of Akshay Rajput couldn't conceive even after three years of marriage and that's why they adopted a son, Dhananjay. But after two years of adoption Malti Rajput was pregnant and that child was none other than Akshay. After few years started the fight out of jealousy which is now turned into a serious murder case.

Along with murder, Akshay Rajput was also accused of taking Dhananjay Rajput's property illegally. And the one who accused him for all these is the wife of Dhananjay Rajput, Malini Rajput. She has never liked Akshay Rajput for some reasons which are unknown to others.

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