9. Conversation

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After dinner with baba, I tried to – keyword: tried– check some files and emails but none made me concentrate on it.

Laying on the bed with one hand under my head and one on my midriff, staring at the ceiling, I think about the incident that took place today in office. Since then my mind is not focused anywhere.

Even during the dinner I zoned out a few times and baba, concerned for my behavior, asked me if I'm okay. What should I say? That a 5'5 ft. woman is messing up with my brain.

The scene replays in my mind like an Instagram reel.


It was 3 in afternoon and I was going through the case details when a knock came and I muttered 'come in' and the person walked in.

Firstly I didn't pay attention and continued to look down in the file until the sweet smell of flower hit my nostrils and I snapped my head up and saw the person who was standing there, about to say something.

"Sir, these are files which were sent by your assistant to us for cross checking some information." She said, trying to be confident but the way she was looking everywhere but me, I caught the nervousness lying beneath it.

I am shocked that she even considered coming here, when she could have told anyone to bring it to me. I mean the fact is obvious that she still hates me but I'm ready to bear that.

As she turned to leave keeping the file on desk, I couldn't help but call out for her, not wanting to let the moment pass without addressing the tension that hung between us like an unspoken burden.

"Karthi," I said, my voice steady yet gentle.

She paused, her back still turned to me, and I could see her shoulders tense slightly. Slowly, she turned around, her eyes finally meeting mine with a mix of apprehension and defiance.

I stood up from my place, round the table and stood infront of her at a safe distance not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

"I appreciated you bringing these files personally," I began, choosing my words carefully. "I knew it wasn't easy for you to be here." Lowering my tone at last.

She remained silent, her eyes flickering with a myriad of emotions. I took a deep breath and continued, "I understood that there was a lot of history between us, and I wanted you to know that I regretted how things ended. I never meant to hurt you."

For a moment, the room was filled with a heavy silence, the weight of our past pressing down on both of us. Her gaze softened slightly, and I could see the conflict in her eyes.

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