11. Moving out and a clue

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"Moving out?" My father asked and I nodded.

"But why, beta? Is there something which is bothering you? Is something wrong?" My mom voiced out her concern.

"Na Maa. Evu kai nathi. Badhu barabar chhe." I lied to her for her and our family's safety.

(No mom. There is nothing like that.  Everything is fine.)

"Then why this sudden decision to move out, my dear?" Papa spoke, his voice laced with concern.

We were sitting in the huge veranda of out house after dinner. Though I wanted to do this talk at the dinner itself but I felt afraid that the person might get to know about it. That's why I brought them out in the backyard and also didn't let them take their phones.

Since we were in the open area the probability of pur talks getting exposed to that certain someone was less.

I had already planned about this and also told Akshali, my sister and warned her to be safe for this.

"Papa, please. It's just for a few months, then I'll be back. Please." I pleaded, showing my most famous puppy eyes which always works on him.

He sighed, about to say something but mom beat him to it.

"Kayu, aa nai chalse ho. This is not a small matter. It concerns us why our daughter wants to move out so suddenly." She did have point but I just cannot include them in my mess.

(Kayu this is not going to work)

"Maa, I'll be gone just for a few months. And it's not like ke mai kyak bije rehva jaav chhu. Daadi na apartment maj rehvanu kav chhu. Ne te pan kya Kai vadhRe dur chhe. You can come there anytime and vice versa."

(And it's not like I'm going to live somewhere else.  I want to stay in grandma's apartment.  And that is also not far away.)

Mom exchanged a worried glance with Dad. "But why, Karthi? Why now?"

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. "I need some space, Maa. Some time to myself to sort things out. Work has been stressful, and I think a change of environment might help."

Papa looked at me, his eyes searching for the truth. "Are you sure that's all, beta?"

I nodded, keeping my expression as sincere as possible. "Yes, Papa. I promise. I'll be safe, and it's just temporary."

They both sighed, clearly still worried but slowly coming to terms with my decision.

"Alright," Papa finally said, his voice soft. "If this is what you need, we'll support you. Just promise us you'll stay in touch and let us know if you need anything."

I smiled, relieved. "I promise, Papa. Thank you, Maa. Thank you, Papa."

"So when do you want to shift?" Papa asked. "Your decision might be sudden but the place where you want to stay, needs to be cleaned."

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