Part 5 ☆

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yo hmhas is so good n now im on an absolute writing grind so yall can except a ton of new chapters in the next few days 🙏🙏

Song recommendation - Bags/Clairo

Your pov
Two months later

My head is fucking pounding. How
much did I drink last night? I'm so hungover. This is my last straw, I'm never going to another party. That's definitely a lie, I love getting drunk and sleeping with random girls, but it really isn't fun the next morning, especially when I have to sit through a 9 am meeting.

"Y/N, did you get all that?" My manager, Jeremy, asks from across the table.

"Yeah, of course!" I say, tuning back into the conversation. I was lying, of course, the last words I actually remember were Jeremy saying good morning, but he didn't have to know that.

"So you're cool with that?"

Shit. Cool with what? "Definitely! Sounds great!"

"Ok, well we should get you into the studio as soon as possible. How about tomorrow?"

The studio? Did I just agree to a whole nother album... I hope not. I was enjoying my break from songwriting. "Cool."

I can feel dread building in my body as I walk into the studio the next morning. I intentionally didn't go out last night, so at least I won't be hungover and can actually figure out what's happening. I pull open the door to my private room, and feel my whole body tense as I lock eyes with the blonde sitting in my chair. The blonde that I never texted. She grins as soon as she sees me, and I suddenly realize just how sober I am. Maybe being hungover would be better. Then I would at least have a headache to focus on instead of Reneé, sitting right in front of me.

"Y/N! So glad to see you," she says, her eyes locking with mine. "Y'know, I was really shocked you wanted to work with me, especially after not texting me," She says, her smile melting into a scowl.

"Reneé, I-"

"Whatever, I couldn't care less," she says, looking back at her phone, not even looking up when Jeremy walks in. I can tell from the way that his face drops that he can sense the tension between us.

"Girls! Glad to see you've met each other!" Jeremy says, obviously trying to lighten the mood. Poor guy hates conflict. "Y/n, can we talk? Outside."

Shit. Jeremy would be pissed if he knew I slept with Reneé. He doesn't care that I'm gay or whatever, but he says I'm not supposed to have one night stands with other celebrities. That it could be bad for apparences or whatever. Also, it's pretty awkward if you end up working with them. And they hate you. I guess I probably should have listened to him.

"The hell was that about, Y/N?!" Jeremy asks the second the door closes behind us.

"Look, it was a misunderstanding!"

He rolls his eyes. "I think I'm understanding pretty well that you two fucked."

"Oh my god, Jeremy! It's not like that, I swear, it was a one time thing, I promise."

"Y/N, you have to take this seriously! If you can't find a way to get Reneé to forgive you, you're in big trouble. This song could be great, for both of you!"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, J. I'll figure something out."

"You better. Look, I've got another meeting to run to. I know you work better alone anyway," he says, walking towards the elevator.

I take a deep breath as I walk back into the studio, trying to prepare myself for whatever is about to go down. I sit down in the chair across from Reneés. It was one of those black rolling ones, and it made awkward squeaking noises as I tried to adjust myself.

"Reneé, I'm so sorry," I start to say, but she cuts me off.

"I still don't get why you agreed to work with me. You obviously don't like me."

"Uh, I actually didn't know I was gonna be working with you."

Her face drops, and for a quick second, she looked really hurt. Her face almost instantly shifts back to a scowl, but those first few seconds were still enough for me to tell she was upset. "I should've know. What, do you think you're too good for me or something? Is that what this is?"

"No, it's not like that Nae-"

She cuts me off again. "Don't call me that. We're not a nickname level. You ghosted me, Y/N," she says, emotionless.

"Please, let me explain."

"Explain what?!" She raises her voice, and it starts to crack. "Explain how I spent weeks waiting for a call, a text, anything? I get it. Whatever shit you have to figure out, that's up to you, but leave me out of it. I can't be apart of your fake, egotistical lifestyle. Go fuck yourself, you narcissistic whore."

No words can explain how hurt I feel right now. I genuinely liked Reneé- I had since I was 15- but the fact that she could ever be that mean? My entire world view had just shifted. I can feel a lump start to grow in my throat. It takes everything in me to keep a straight face as I walk towards the door. I half open it and then hesitate, looking back at Reneé. "You never gave me your number," I deadpan, even though my eyes are welling up with tears.

𝒜 𝑀𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁𝓈 // Reneé Rapp X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now