Part 15 ☆

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A/N i have like 5 hours in the car over the next 2 days so except a few chapters 🌝🌝 also can someone tell corah to stop hitting me 😖 im tired of the minecraft abuse...

Song recommendation: Talia/King princess

An hour earlier
Reneés pov

"Babe, are you sure you don't want to slow down a bit?" Alyah asks as I down the rest of my glass.

"Mhm, yeah," I say. I know I've been drinking a lot lately. But there isn't much else to do. Besides, if I get hammered enough it's way easier to find a random girl to fuck and forget about Y/N. I still can't believe I messed everything up with her.

"You know we don't have to be here. We can just chill at home if you want. Isn't that movie you wanted to see finally out?"

"Yaya, it's fine. I mean, if you wanna go we can but I swear I'm okay here."

"Alright, just let me know if you change your mind."

"I won't! Now let's go find cute girls!"

She rolls her eyes. "God, you're insufferable."

"I love cute girls!"

"Everyone here is fully aware, Reneé," She says with a giggle, guiding me through the crowd of people.

"Okay, I'm gonna get another drink. Let me know if you see anyone cute."

Alyahs face lights up. "Ooh, what about her! She looks cute... Uh, from behind..."

"Where?" I say, turning around to face the crowd. I see the girl she was pointing at. She was tall, probably a few inches taller than me, with great fashion taste, and beautiful hair. I suck in a rush of air when I realize why I'm so drawn to her.

"Alyah, look carefully. Like, really carefully."

"I don't..." she trails off as the girl turns around, facing us. "Oh. Y/N. Shit, I'm sorry Reneé."

"It's fine," I say as I watch her walk away from her table. "Besides, she didn't see me so it doesn't really matter;" I mutter under my breath, my voice shaking.

"Babe, it's okay to be upset. You were in love with her and now she's gone."

"Well when you say it like that," I say, sniffling and laughing at the same time.

Alyah pulls me into a tight hug and I break down, sobbing into her neck.

"Bathroom?" She says, leading me there.

"Mhm," I sniffle.

Alyah knows me better than anyone else, and she especially knows I need to be alone right now. Well, alone with her.

Unfortunately, in this tiny ass party, there was only one fucking bathroom and it was locked. I slide against the wall, sitting on the ground next to Alyah, my head in my hands. She leans her head on my shoulder, silently letting me know that she's here.

"You're okay. She's not worth it. She doesn't deserve you Nae."

"I didn't mean what I said to her Yaya. None of it. I was just hurt and scared, and I didn't know what else to say. I didn't mean to hurt her like that. I've been so worried about her and I know I should be happy that's she's doing okay but honestly I just feel worse," I say, starting to rant.

"Look at me Reneé," she says, holding my face in her hands. "It wasn't your fault. None of it was your fault."

I nod, right as the bathroom door opens and someone walks out.

I lock eyes with Y/N, and her face drops the second the notices me. Her mouth opens to say something, but she's cut off by a soft voice following her.

"Y/N, look at me?" Says the voice, stepping out to reveal none other than Sydney fucking Sweeney. I should've known. Y/N made us watch 'Anyone but you' four times in theaters. She turns and looks, and Sydney giggles. "Here, you've got something..." She says, wiping a smudge of lipstick off of Y/Ns face.

"If you think that's bad, you should see your thighs," Y/N chuckles as she walks out the door.

"Y/N, again? Uhg, now I have to go the rest of the night with lipstick on my thighs... You're lucky I'm wearing long pants tonight," Sydney half-jokes as she follows.

I sit shocked next to my best friend, too stunned to move. Alyah helps me up, leading me into the bathroom. "Whatever Reneé, you're so much prettier than that dumb slut Sydney. Y/N clearly downgraded."

"Yaya, we both know that's a lie. I'm just like... fuck dude. I mean, Y/N and Sydney, that's great. They seem perfect for eachother. I just can't believe she's already over me. I still think she might have been the love of my life. But maybe I wasn't hers. I definitely wasn't hers."

"You deserve better-" She starts to say, but I cut her off.

"I don't want better! All I want is Y/N! Nobody is ever going to make me feel that away again. Nobody is gonna make me smile the way she did, make me laugh the way she did, and, if we're being honest, I don't think anyone's ever going to make me cum the way she did," I mutter, forcing a laugh."


"I'm sorry Yaya. I didn't mean to yell. I just..." I start, beginning to break down.

"I know baby," She whispers, pulling me into a hug as I cry against her.

"I just miss her so much," I say quietly in between sobs.

We sit like this for awhile, Alyah comforting
me and me crying against her until I eventually calm down.

"Do you wanna go back? We can stay here if you'd rather do that," Alyah asks.

"You can go back. I'm gonna step outside for a bit."

"Okay babe. We can leave whenever you want."

"Nah I'll be fine, I just could use a bit of fresh air. And possibly a smoke."

"Okay, I'll see you later though?" She asks as we start to walk out of the bathroom.

"Yep, later!" I call out as I head towards the back, trying to find a secret exit. I find a door to the backyard, peeking out to see it completely empty. Perfect. I creep out into the yard, finding a nice spot on the wall to lean against and pull out a joint from my jacket pocket, lighting it up and finally relaxing for the first time tonight.

I stare up at the night sky, appreciating the starry view as my brain grows foggy and the air around me grows thick with weed smoke. It feels like I'm on my own personal island, away from the rest of the world. Until the door slams open.

"Fuck off!" A familiar voice shouts as she storms out into the yard, stopping dead in her tracks when she sees me.

"Oh. Hey Reneé."

"Hey? Is that all I get?" I say with a dry laugh.

"Shut up. And give me a hit," She says, walking towards me.

𝒜 𝑀𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁𝓈 // Reneé Rapp X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now