Part 6 ☆

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Song recommendation-Boyfriend/Tegan and Sara

It's been a week and I still can't get over what Reneé said to me. Jeremy's pissed, since we had a deal with her team, but he still agreed to give me some time before we go back to working on the single.

Honestly, my life right now is pretty pathetic. I've spent the past 6 days in bed, wearing gray sweats and crying. Not to mention watching the sex lives of college girls on repeat. I can't even tell you how many times I've watched it in the past week. I can, however, say every Leighton quote word for word. The saddest part is that I'm spending my time obsessing over a girl I slept with once. Scratch that, an asshole I slept with once. I need to get out of bed, or at least do something. Almost as if I manifested it, my phone goes off.

jeremy gave me your number
im rlly sorry
it's reneé btw

Remind me to kill Jeremy next time I see him.

Why do you care?
I'm just a narcissistic whore, remember?

Usually it's not like me to be so pissy, but Reneé hurt me more than anyone else had in a long time. My whole body goes into a panic as I watch a the word 'read' pop up under my text. I feel my heart racing as I watch the 3 dots on my screen, time seeming to slow down.

can we call?

Fuck. I can't really say no, can I? We have to work together eventually. Maybe we should just get this over with.


Incoming facetime from Unknown

What the fuck? A facetime? What kind of physco asks to call and then facetimes?! And I already said it was okay, so I have to answer... I check myself in the little onscreen mirror before answering. God, I look like absolute shit. I have mascara stains running down my face, and I havent taken the time to put in my contacts, so the black stains sort of collected around the bottom rims of my glasses in a really unattractive way. The good news about the glasses is that they did an okay job of covering the massive bags under my eyes. Okay, but not perfect, so still pretty obvious. My hairs in a messy bun, and I've been wearing the same gray nike sweats and black sports bra for 3 days straight. (how funny that's literally what i'm wearing while writing this!!)

I take a deep breath as I press the little green answer button. The second I see Reneé, I'm instantly pissed off. Not because seeing her reminds me of what she said to me or whatever, but because she is genuinely the hottest woman on this planet. She had the same 'I've been in bed crying' look going on, but she rocks it. The mascara stains on her face and the messy bun in her hair looks less tragic, and more like an intentional look. And not to mention how the sports bra she's wearing makes her boobs look even bigger - I didn't think that was possible - whereas mine makes me look even flatter. I genuinely can't take my eyes off her. Shes so perfect.

"Stop staring at me, pervert," she says with a grin, and I move my eyes up to her face.

"Damn. You look... I don't even know how to put it into words."


"Sure, you could say that. Fuck, stop distracting me. I'm still mad at you."

It's extremely obvious how fast the mood shifts. What was a fun and flirty conversation seconds ago is now one both of us know we have to have.

𝒜 𝑀𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁𝓈 // Reneé Rapp X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now