8 be ready

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next day:

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next day:

y/n pov:

I was roaming around the city because I was feeling very bored. I thought Jennie and I would go out today and have fun. But no, she doesn't have time for me. Again she had to go somewhere else because of her work and i had to come alone. 

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that while walking, I had come to a deserted street. I thought that I should not walk alone in the street.

that's why I turned back but the ground slipped beneath my feet. There were many men standing in front of me in black suits. I tried to move away from them but one of them held my hand. Before I could do anything, someone covered my face with a black cloth from behind. l started shouting when one of them fucking picked me up. they tied me hands and they started taking me somewhere

"Y'ALL BASTARDS LEAVE ME!!!!" l shouted but none of them responded

"ANYONE HERE PLEASE HELP MEEEEE" I started asking for help from others, because I knew that these deaf people would not listen to my pleas.

I stopped screaming when I felt the ground beneath my feet "did they gone " l thought, but again l am the most unluckiest person in this world. I heard the sound of the car door opening and in no time , they pushed me inside the car.

I smelled a scent as soon as I entered the car. which means someone in siting inside the car, maybe there boss

"yahhh... whoever you are.. leave me.. if you are doing this for money.. then you got a wrong person. you will not get single penny from my family for me" l said convincing him to leave me. Before I could say anything else he removed the cloth from my face.

As soon as he removed the cloth from my face, I saw his face. l became froze at my place. jeon jk who is nightmare for many is sitting beside me.

end of y/n's pov:

Y/N panicked looking at him and tried to open her hand. Despite many efforts, she could not free her hand. she looked towards the person who was sitting beside her 

"what do you want...huh" y/n said looking at him who was looking forward with his famous cold look plastered on his face.

"what do l want" he said to himself while smirking still looking forward 

"Will you give me what I want" He now turned towards her and said looking at her with smirk plastered on his face.

"leave me... l have nothing to do with you than why are you doing this with me... " y/n said holding back her tears. she was on the verge of crying.

"lt's look like kim didn't inform you anything" he said while looking at her intensely, noticing her every move. he smirked internally noticing how hard she was trying to hold back her tears so that she doesn't seem weak in front of him.

"dad didn't informed me what" she asked while stop struggling to free her hands.

he chuckled  "that you are going to marry me"

y/n become froze at her place. She couldn't process what he just said. without her noticing, tear escaped from her eyes.

"why" she said looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"didn't you said you don't want to marry me" He said forcefully turning Y/n back. now y/n's back was facing him.

Suddenly he pulled Y/n towards himself. y/n's back hit his chest hard. He deliberately started tightening the rope tied in Y/N's hand, which will surely leave a mark. He was so close to her ear that his breath was directly falling on her ear.

"So I just want to show you that I don't need anyone's permission to do anything." he whispered in her ears as he applied more pressure on tightening the rope tied in y/n's hand.

"P-please leave me" she groaned as she was feeling so much pain in her hand and And the position they were in wasn't helping her either. she can feel his warm breath on her cold skin

"fuck....You look damn sexy when you pleas" he said while smirking.

she was feeling so disgusted by his action. She couldn't see his face, but she could feel that he was smirking. Suddenly she noticed that the pain in her hand was decreasing. he untied the rope tied on her hand. As soon as the rope was released, she opened the door of the car to go out. She was about to leave but she was stopped by a voice.

"Get ready for the wedding, Princess.. Because no one can save you from me now"

 Because no one can save you from me now"

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