𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Y/n's POV

I made to this gym in the morning with 15 minutes to spare, I went to bed a little bit earlier than usual last night which caused me to wake up 30 minutes earlier than I usually do.

So I decided to come to the gym early to start ordering the jackets.

I brought my backpack with me which had my computer, so I sat on the bleachers and took it out, when I opened it I saw my basic white wallpaper.

I made a mental note to try to change it to something more fitting towards my personality.

I went into the website that Coach told me to use and looked at all of the players measurements, they all seemed to be pretty easy to order since they all were pretty much the same height and same size.

After about ten minutes of putting all the players measurements in, I put in the order and put in the numbers of the card Nebutaru told me to use.

I placed the clipboard and card onto the chair that he normally sits on and decided to just put my AirPods in and listen to music for the remainder of the time.

After about 5 minutes, coach was the first to enter and he looked over and smiled at me.

"Decided to be a little bit early, eh?" He asked with a chuckle while I smiled at him.

"Just wanted to get a head start on things, I ordered the jackets, they should be here by tomorrow afternoon." I said as he smiled.

"Good job Y/n, you've been doing excellent this week!" He said as I smiled at him, very overjoyed by the compliment.

Then we hear someone walk in and both turn our heads to see Iwaizumi, he places his bag down and waves at us.

"Hello Iwaizumi," Coach Nebutaru says in a friendly manner as Iwaizumi smiles.

"Hey coach, I'm going to go change into my gym clothes then come back out." And with that said, Iwaizumi left to the boys locker room.

Coach looked at me and smiled, "Well, for todays morning practice, I'll probably have them work on just some running, stretching, and then have them partner up and just set and hit the ball to each other, getting farther each time they hit it." He said, explaining the plan to me as I nod.

He continued to speak, "I would like you to accompany them on their run so that no one gets lost of left behind, but if you aren't able to, that's alright." I nod at him, "Yes sir, I'll be able to." I said to him as he smiled at me, "Perfect, thank you so much!" He said and finally went over to his chair.


Oikawa was the last person to enter the gym, he still looked like he hurt a little but overall he seemed fine.

I was glad to hear no fangirls, which then I remembered it's way to early for them to even be here, so I was thankful for that.

After everyone was here, coach explained what practice was going to be like today.

"Good morning everyone, so today we will just be exercising by stretching and then going on a run, now Y/n will accompany you guys on this run to make sure nobody gets lost of left behind, I want you all to be on your best behavior, especially you, Oikawa." He said to the fluffy brown haired setter as everyone laughed at him and Oikawa had a small flush on his cheeks from embarrassment, I couldn't help but chuckle a little as well.

𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭 // 𝐎𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now