Chapter 3: The squeamish young master

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Lin Yinquan looked at the well-behaved child who was placed on the sofa in the living room by his father. His deep eyes under the spectacles were confused for a moment. Didn't he go to discuss compensation?

Why did you bring someone home?

Han Qiyu, who was still pretending to be good, looked shy and at a loss. He didn't know where to put his hands and played with his fingers nervously, as if he was going home with a stranger for the first time and was a little panicked.

Seeing him like this, Lin Yinquan sighed slightly, went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of drink, washed the only cherry tomatoes at home and brought them to him, "You stay here first, I'll go take a look at yours." How is the bed?"

"Okay, please, Brother Lin."

Not to mention the child's voice is quite nice.

Lin Yinquan sighed in his heart and left.

After he left, Han Qiyu, who had been shy just now, had smiles in his eyes, glanced slightly at the layout of the room, and frowned.

The layout of the room was a bit crude, with nothing hanging on the walls. There was only a TV in the living room except for the sofa and refrigerator. The whole room seemed empty.

After looking around and seeing no camera, Young Master Han withdrew his gaze with satisfaction.

This young man is hard to fool. He has always wanted to smuggle and get money. He even has a contract ready. Fortunately, his father has been holding back, otherwise it would be difficult to move in.

It's just his legs that are pitiful.

Han Qiyu focused his eyes on his leg that was in plaster. Even though it no longer hurt, he still felt aggrieved.

The father's debt is paid by the son!

Lin Yinquan must serve him well until he finds a place to live!


Father Lin, who was making the bed while lying on his side, turned around and saw a tall man standing behind him, and was startled.

After seeing his face clearly, he patted his chest and said angrily: "Why are you walking silently? You want to scare me to death."

Lin Yinquan looked helpless, "If you bring someone into your home, who will take care of him?"

"Of course you help take care of him? Now, I don’t live here.”

“You don’t live here to take care of me, so why do you want to take care of me?”

Father Lin knew that he was wrong and quickly explained, “Your Aunt Fang’s girl is here, I will take her back. It's not convenient for you to live at home. Don't worry, I'll hire a caregiver to help you.

Besides, Xiaoyu just wants a place to stay and doesn't want any compensation, but you've saved a lot of money. Are

n't you short of money to start a business? I'm not. For your sake. Besides, you live alone, why don't you give someone else a room in such a big house?"

Lin Yinquan still looked at his father with a gentle smile, and said in a calm and threatening tone. I don't care what you and Aunt Fang want, but don't reach out to me."

Lin Yinquan was a little angry that his own father wanted to marry his stepmother's daughter.

Father Lin laughed twice when he heard this, "Isn't it because your boy has never had a partner, so you are anxious, your Aunt Fang is also thinking about you..."

Seeing his son's expression becoming more and more indifferent, Father Lin said the next words Swallowed.

He quickly changed the subject, "By the way, your company needs money. I'll transfer some money to you later."

The Fake Young Master Ran Away After The Real Young Master Came To The Door.Where stories live. Discover now