Chapter 19: What's wrong with Cat?

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"This is a decisive blow. Lao Li, just admit defeat. There is no way to survive."

"I didn't expect that your boy is not only good-looking, but also a good chess player. Come and let me play a game with you. Lao Li, he was too arrogant just now. You underestimated the enemy." An old man named Liu said unconvinced.


After a while, Han Qiyu killed all the elders in the community. With his outstanding face and shy expression, all the elders turned dark.


"Little Han, please be silent. Do you understand that you are watching chess without saying a word?"

"Old Liu, you can't afford it. Why didn't you say that you were watching chess without saying anything before? Xiao Han, you should be silent and don't listen to him. I can only defeat him with your guidance."

Han Qiyu, who was watching, smiled gently, and then said to the uncle opposite, "Sir, you can be a general, so that the cannons here can't be used."

"Xiao Han, you can't move. That's not true. Who are you talking to?" The man who just spoke was worried.

The old man opposite was so happy that he stopped talking about watching chess. He stretched out his hand and moved the general.

Han Qiyu provided guidance on both sides, making this game a stalemate.

In the end, both uncles forbade him from speaking again.


After only playing for a whole morning, Han Qiyu and these old men have already become friends.

These uncles also discovered that the boy in front of them, who seemed shy and reserved at first, was actually a cunning little fox.

Just when Han Qiyu wanted to go home for dinner, the uncles stood up and stopped him, "Come on, brother Han, come to my house to eat. Your sister-in-law is stewing fish today. I just caught wild fish last night. It's delicious."

"Go. " My daughter-in-law made dumplings today. "

"My family stewed chicken..."


their enthusiasm, Han Qiyu waved his hands and said: "We are all from the same community, and I am not polite to my elder brothers, but my brother is. I've cooked a good meal, wouldn't it hurt his heart if I didn't go back to eat? Let's meet up another day, brother."

"Okay, Brother Han, don't forget to send me the chess records when you get home." "

And us.

Don't worry, I'll send it to you when we get home."


It took more than half an hour for Han Qiyu to get away. When he was at home, he had a good relationship with the retired grandfathers based on his chess skills, but he didn't have the same seniority. nonsense.

This was the first time for him to be called brothers to the elders.

This feels pretty good, a bit formal.

Han Qiyu smiled and walked towards home.


He did not go downstairs again in the afternoon, but lay on the sofa and slept for a while.

It was three o'clock when I woke up.

Han Qiyu quickly turned on his mobile phone to find a runner and bought a projector. The projector delivered a curtain and hung it directly on the wall of Lin Yinquan's room.

The Fake Young Master Ran Away After The Real Young Master Came To The Door.Where stories live. Discover now