Chapter 51 Doberman

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Han Qiyu heard his question and looked at him, "Brother Bai, you don't have to ask me."

Bai Tunan looked at him for a long time before moving his eyes away, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit one, After slowly finishing a cigarette, he looked at him and said, "I already know the answer."

Han Qiyu reached out and patted his shoulder, "Your achievements now have exceeded our imagination at the time."

But there is no future map. you.

Bai Tunan swallowed these words. The reason why he didn't confess was because he felt that Han Qiyu was too young, and because his family was too chaotic and he didn't want to involve him.

Missing it means missing it.

He looked away to cover the painful loss in his eyes, "Well, Xiaoqi, you are always too sober."

Han Qiyu smiled and said nothing.

The two of them stayed here for a long time.

When returning, Lin Yinquan looked at the co-pilot with a half-smile.

Han Qiyu raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Brother Lin, just say it if you have any dissatisfaction. Don't glare at me."

"Don't call me brother, you have Brother Bai."

Lin Yinquan continued angrily: "Brother Bai Bai The pigeons are so white."

Han Qiyu lowered his chair to the lowest position, closed his eyes and ignored him.

Lin Yinquan saw him continue to speak like this, "Man, it's easy to avoid the pain that hits your heart."

Han Qiyu opened his eyes and glanced at him, "I respect life more. You are driving and I don't want to make trouble with you. But if you keep talking nonsense, I will start singing."

The last sentence was spat out through gritted teeth.

Lin Yinquan dismissed his threat.

What kind of threat is this?

"Yo yo yo, I'm going to start singing~" He was very mean and repeated it.

Han Qiyu adjusted his seat and looked at him sideways, smiling sweetly.

I started to find the playlist in my mind, "The flower buds on the umbrella - don't open it's a rainy day..."

Lin Yinquan, who was driving the car, was shaken by his sudden high-pitched voice and took a deep breath. Air conditioning, "Baby, can we sing some normal songs?"

Han Qiyu ignored him completely and started singing to himself, getting more and more excited as he sang.

Lin Yinquan's mouth twitched as he listened to his "beautiful" singing, "I was wrong, I know I was wrong, baby, I am being petty, I apologize, let's stop singing.

Mr. Lin regrets so much why he did it That bitch.

This singing voice is really unique...

Han Qiyu probably knew the lethality of his singing voice. After singing this song, he closed his mouth, glanced at him, closed his eyes and leaned against the car door.

Lin Yinquan did not forget it. They still wanted to buy a car, so they drove directly to the 4S store they had made an appointment with in advance.

When they arrived at their destination, he reached out and patted the person next to him on the shoulder, "We're here, wake up. "

Han Qiyu opened his sleepy eyes, "Are you here to buy a car? "

Yes, we made an appointment with the manager here yesterday so that we can try it out and pick it up directly." "

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