Chapter 15: Husband, please say something!

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In the morning, Han Qiyu's biological clock rang, and he found that he was touching his big microphone with one hand, and the other hand was close to the neck of the person next to him.

This sleeping position is a bit restless.

He subconsciously grabbed it with his hand. It was soft and elastic, with softness in the elasticity...

It felt very good.

The person next to him snorted softly, and Han Qiyu reacted and quickly retracted his hand, acting as if he hadn't woken up yet.

My brain is buzzing and screaming.

It's so embarrassing, what was he doing just now!

Han Qiyu, who wanted to give his right hand a slap, just moved his foot, but he didn't expect the other person to move too. When he stretched his foot, the other person directly pressed him, causing pain to his toes, and the people around him were not awake yet.

He hurriedly pushed the other party's shoulder and said in a hoarse voice as if he had just woken up:

"Brother Lin, please move, you're crushing me."

Lin Yinquan woke up when he heard his words and moved quickly, holding tightly He pressed against the wall and felt that he was not touching Han Qiyu. Then he sat up from the bed with a sigh of relief and went to check the details.

"How does your leg feel now? Get up and I'll take you to the hospital for a checkup."

After saying that, Lin Yinquan lifted the quilt and looked at the plastered leg. He didn't see anything wrong and looked at Han Qiyu with a worried look.

Han Qiyu said aggrievedly, "It's okay. This leg is not pressed, so there is no need to go to the hospital."

After hearing this, Lin Yinquan's attention turned from the plastered right leg to the left leg, looking at the white calf. Obvious marks, one green and one red.

It wasn't the injured leg. He lowered his hand and whispered, "You're delicate." He

scolded him, but stretched out his hand to gently rub it. As he rubbed it, he found that the other person was really not delicate at all, as long as he used a little force. His body will be green and red, and he will look like he has suffered a serious crime.

It was so bad that he didn't even dare to stretch out his hand.

Han Qiyu pursed his lips and said nothing, just looking at him aggrievedly.

Lin Yinquan looked at him helplessly and said seriously, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have said you were squeamish. I apologized."

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me, sir."

Han Qiyu snorted, " I’m not being squeamish, it’s you who is pressing my toes!”

He said, curling up his legs and pointing to the disappearing red mark on his left foot, “It’s right here, otherwise I wouldn’t shout out!”

"Then where did the greenish red color on the calf come from?" Mr. Lin was confused, his head filled with questions.

Han Qiyu shook his head, "I don't know, it doesn't hurt."

"Okay, then I rubbed it wrong. I stretched out my foot to rub your foot and said sorry to your foot."

"That's not necessary." Han Qiyu had a conscience After discovering it, he retracted his foot, but the opponent's big hand had already caught it.

Lin Yinquan looked at the white and pink toes in front of him and rubbed them gently.

"It's tickling - let go."

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