Extra: Wedding + Link [End]

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Seeing his parents busy with Han Qiyu's wedding, Mo Chengyao felt a little irritated for no reason. He buttoned his shirt to the top and unbuttoned it.

It was extremely dazzling to see an extra person in their family group.

The recent chat records in the group revolve around the two protagonists of the wedding.

There are a lot of wedding photos taken recently by the two of them. Doesn’t it take more than a month for wedding photos to come out?

Why do wedding photos come out so quickly now? They can come out in a week.

When two men got married, what was there to show off?

Mo Chengyao didn't know the look on his face at this moment, he was as jealous as a resentful husband.

On the other side, two people with sweet smiles were nestling together on the sofa. Among them, the delicate and handsome man was resting on the lap of a handsome man, planning constantly with his mobile phone.

"Brother Lin, our new house will be decorated like this when the time comes. We also have to post these on the stairs. There are double dragons and dragons and phoenixes that have been rejected. Also, we will run away after the wedding. I want to go to Dali. You drive. Take me there..."

Lin Yinquan listened with a doting look on his face, and added some content to him by the way, "Okay, we will drive there then. Every time we pass a city, we will go there and play for a few days, and then go to Tibet... ..."

"Okay, let's not follow the rules during the wedding. Let's just make an electronic version. Anyway, we are two men getting married. It will give the host a headache to read it over and over."

Lin Yinquan listened. At this point, he expressed his thoughts, "You can omit the sensationalism of hosting, but our declaration cannot. When the time comes, the two of us walk up side by side, exchange rings, say vows, and sign the marriage contract before we can go down."

" Trouble."

Lin Yinquan looked at the young man lying on his lap and muttered unhappily. He pouted slightly, lowered his head and kissed the pink mouth, and said with a soft smile:

" It’s this time in my baby’s life, please.”

“It just so happens that I’ve been on leave for a long time these days. We can take more private photos at home. I’ve already found the style, which is the one in the baby’s favorites.”

Ming Ming . The tone of his words was very gentle and endearing, but Han Qiyu, who was lying on his lap, felt the coldness. He

immediately raised his head and widened his eyes, "What are my favorites? That's not what I saw. It was what Bai Xiaoxiao and Zhao Zhao did!"

He looked at it again and again, but he never liked or saved it!

Don't even think about blasting him!

And he didn't even look at it. , he just glanced at it when the two of them shared it.

The person who was still a little guilty suddenly became righteous and said, "They are not as good-looking as you. Let me see what they are doing. Besides, what will happen if I see it? I am not doing it for you. To give You take better photos!"

Lin Yinquan curled his lips and said aggrievedly, "You don't call it sophistry anymore, you call it pua. Forget it, who asked me to love you? I'm just aggrieved myself, no. No way, being humble is my normal state..."

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