Chapter 34: Love is often feeling indebted

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In the evening, Han Qiyu leaned on Lin Yinquan's shoulder to watch a movie. When he saw a series of misunderstandings between the male and female protagonists because they didn't have a long mouth, Young Master Han frowned.

"If you get close to someone in the future and make me feel something is wrong, either I will beat you away or you will kneel down and apologize. I will not make random assumptions."

Lin Yinquan handed the water helplessly . Tell him, "Can you please stop putting these things on me? I'm a good person."

"Good people don't say it, they live it."

"It's obvious that this man also has problems, why do he have to lie? Just tell your wife that your ex is back and there are some things that need to be resolved. If there are any issues that you can't take with your wife to resolve,"

Master Han said again, "And his wife's family doesn't agree. They don't agree. Tell your wife, if you have to leave secretly, just show it to your father-in-law and make him approve of you."

Young Master Han thought of his parents, and suddenly he had doubts. What if his mother knew about it. Will he also throw 5 million to Brother Lin and let him leave him?

After thinking about that scene for a moment, he suddenly laughed.

Lin Yinquan quickly took the cup from his hand into his own, "What are you thinking about? You're smiling so happily."

"Nothing." Han Qiyu suppressed his laughter and stared at his face.

His mother is also a face-controller, so Mr. Lin Yinquan must be able to impress her.

It’s just that his dad has always wanted to have a grandson, which may be a bit difficult.

Han Qiyu suddenly felt a little glad that he was not his biological child.

Lin Yinquan looked a little unnaturally at him, so he picked up the cell phone beside him and took a photo.

He's quite handsome, and there's nothing wrong with his face.

Han Qiyu took the water glass from his hand, drank a few sips and handed it to him, "Brother Lin, next time you look for a movie, can you find something good to watch? Don't do something romantic. Let's watch something sci-fi, fantasy and horror." "

Lin Yinquan replied to him while twisting the water cup and putting it on the bedside table, "I saw this movie with high ratings and thought it was very good. I will learn from it next time. The recommendations from netizens are not entirely accurate. "Come with me to catch up on the show. "

Han Qiyu took out his phone and called up the show he had watched recently, and cast it on the film. "It's so passionate. It makes me want to go back to high school."

Lin Yinquan looked at him and sat down . He got up and moved closer to him.

Sure enough, after a while, Master Han leaned on his shoulders again, and Mr. Lin brought snacks to him with a very discerning eye.

One is eating and the other is being fed, the picture is quite harmonious.


Han Qiyu was too idle. Lin Yinquan, who was working from home, looked at the person lying in his arms who was still playing games. Two of the buttons on his collar had broken open and were all white.

His ears turned red unconsciously, his eyes turned away, and his voice softened: "Xiaoyu, are you bored at home? Why don't you go to the company and work as a secretary for me? I will give you a salary of 8,000 a month."

Mr. Lin felt that I can't be too generous.

When Han Qiyu heard what he said, he raised his head and complained with a frown: "No, I can't do any work in your company. I can't play games in the company every day."

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