Chapter 14: Gay spirit in gay people

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It was difficult to peel the frozen lychees, so Lin Yinquan simply poured out half of the lychees and took them to the sink to rinse them, then peeled the lychees directly in the running water and took them back.

The white and tender lychees were sitting in the bowl. Han Qiyu pinched one out with his hands and put it into his mouth. He loved the smoothness!

Lin Yinquan had never eaten lychees like this before, so he tried it under Han Qiyu's persuasion. The first bite almost made his teeth fall out, but it was only after the second bite that he realized how delicious the ice lychees were.

But it was too iced, and it was delicious. Lin Yinquan didn't eat more. After eating four or five, he took back his hand and picked up a glass of watermelon juice on the table. Cai Renzui realized that after eating the ice lychee, he drank the watermelon juice without ice. ,Dull.

Too dull.

Sure enough, watermelon juice has to be added with ice.

When Lin Yinquan went to add ice, he found a pair of resentful eyes staring at him from behind. When he turned his head, he found that the young man who had just been cooking had turned around and stared at him firmly.

Lin Yinquan felt a little guilty.

"Brother Lin, didn't you say that you can't add ice cubes if you want to keep in good health? Could it be that there are large pieces of rock sugar in Brother Lin's cup?"

"Don't be weird, kid. I haven't brought you the ice cubes yet."

" I want to add ice too."

"Okay, okay, add more ice." Lin Yinquan took the ice box directly and said, "Add more ice."

He shouted boldly, but he only held two in his hand. Put small pieces of ice into the cup.

"That's it???" Han Qiyu looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Is this what I call a big piece?"

"Yeah, look at two pieces."

"Too much!" Han Qiyu reached out and added it himself, but was caught by the other hand.

The palm is grasped, and the touch of the warm palm is the most fatal touch during the ambiguous period.

Lin Yinquan felt the electric current flowing through his palms through his limbs and all over his body. It was an indescribable feeling.

There is no verbal description.

The atmosphere between the four eyes rose, the clothes were very thin, and the sound of the heartbeat was right next to the ears, and it was hard to tell whether it was one's own or the other's.

The breathing was mixed together, and the sound of breathing gradually became heavier.

This feeling is very subtle.

Han Qiyu came to his senses first. He twitched his hand and gently scratched the palm of his hand with his thumb. A slight itching flashed across Lin Yinquan's neck, and the obvious Adam's apple on Lin Yinquan's neck moved up and down.

A burst of laughter rang out as his chest vibrated, "Stop scratching, I'm begging for mercy, I'll add another piece of ice

to you." "That's more or less, don't think I didn't see you added three big pieces of ice."

Han Qiyu let go Hands, while crusading.

After finishing the meal, Han Qiyu wanted to take a shower again, and looked at Lin Yinquan, "Brother, are you still busy?"

"I have nothing to do tonight, just tell me what you want to do."

"I still want to take a shower -"

Lin Yinquan He tapped him on the head and said, "I've never seen a boy who loves cleanliness so much as you."

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