Chapter 37: Bai Xixi comes to visit

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Bai Xixi was stunned for a moment, and shouted from a distance of two or three meters, "Han Qiyu——"

Young Master Han, who was chatting with melon seeds, suddenly heard someone calling his name, and turned towards the familiar person. The voice looked over and saw a girl standing on the path wearing high heels and a small skirt. She raised her eyebrows and stood up.

"Bai Xixi, how did you find this place?"

The elders also turned their attention from the chessboard to the two of them.

"Brother Han, isn't this girl your date?"

"I'm sorry, brother, my sister is here. I'll leave first and come back to play chess later."

"Sister?" The elders smiled and waved their hands, "You kid Come over quickly, don't let the girl stand there, it's so hot." Han Qiyu put down the melon seeds he had not finished eating, clapped his hands, and walked over, "I don't think I sent you my location, right


He crossed his arms and looked at him and snorted, "I asked for it from my brother. I heard that my brother came to find you when he returned to China, and you became like his brother. I picked this sister up."

Han Qiyu Hearing her words, he clicked his tongue twice, "Finally you're smart, maybe you picked it up."

"Han Qiyu!" Bai Xixi picked up the bag and hit him on the arm, "Hurry up and take me with you. The place where I live is extremely hot."

Miss Bai didn't bother to take an umbrella when she got out of the car. Now she was exposed to the sun and felt like she was about to be burned by the sun.

Han Qiyu walked away when he heard the kick, "Hurry up and follow him."

Bai Xixi followed him and quickened her pace. As she walked, she looked at his legs a few times, "Your legs are so fast~"

"Don't blame me, it's not a serious illness in the first place."

When the eldest lady entered the elevator, she looked at the simple decoration in the community and frowned. After following Han Qiyu into the living room, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Is it necessary to make yourself so miserable?"

Han Qiyu turned around and rolled his eyes at her, "What do you know? This is a school district room. The housing prices here are not cheap. Many people can't afford the houses here."

Han Qiyu Opening the refrigerator, he took out Mr. Lin's freshly squeezed juice and put it on the coffee table. "There are no women's slippers at home, so you can wear high heels first. There is no one at home anyway. If you don't mind, you can take off your shoes and go barefoot." Let's go."

Bai Xixi: "..."

Stay calm and think about your heart before getting in the car.

Bai Xixi tried her best to put a smile on her face, "It's okay, I don't like to take off my shoes."

She gritted her teeth and squeezed out a few words from her throat.

Han Qiyu lay lazily on the sofa with a Coke, looking at him with raised eyebrows, eyes flashing, "If you have anything to do, go to the Three Treasures Hall and tell me what's going on."

Bai Xixi blinked at him and said coquettishly: "Brother Xiaoqi, I'm sorry . What's going on? I just miss you."

"If you keep talking in a loud voice, be careful and I'll take you out." Han Qiyu looked at her and smiled lightly, with a cold voice full of condescension. .

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